A utility program to migrate Qucosa documents, files and related security information over to a Fedora Commons Repository. It uses Apache Camel to route data from staging to transformation to finally store completely transformed Qucosa Fedora objects.
Ultimately the defined Camel components (opus-component, sword-component, fcrepo3-component, qucosamigration-component) could be split out into to separate projects and used in externally defined routes running in Apache Karaf, for example.
- Extracts Qucosa information and generates Qucosa METS
- Connects to Fedora Commons via SWORD service to ingest these files
- Qucosa IDs that have been downloaded or ingested will not be ingested any more
The qucosa-fcrepo-migration program is a Maven project and as such can be build with the Maven package command:
$ mvn package
This will generate a runnable JAR file target/qucosa-fcrepo-migration-<VERSION>.jar
for execution on the command line.
You will have to provide a suitable JDBC driver via the Java Classpath in order to connect to databases.
a. Either run the packed Jar-File with the java -jar
b. Or just run mvn exec:java
The program is licenced under GPLv3. See the COPYING file for details.