- chapter number and name doesn't show when hovering over cross-ref #8848
- Customizable categories for Float and Block crossreferences
- Add crossreferences to
- floats (Tables, Figures, Listings, etc)
- blocks
- Callouts
- Theorem environments
- Proof environments
- Allow fine-grained control over crossref label formatting
- A few suggestions for cross referencing and text layout #1095
- General support for references to the name of a Section/Chapter/etc. rather than its number. #1196
- Custom Section Numbering Not Functioning #1771
- FR: customization options for cross references in book project #2356
- Option for parentheses around equation numbers reference in addition to
#2439 - FR: Uniform Cross-Reference Styling #3440
- Section crossref in pdf format need
number-sections: true
#4364 - Feature request: Ability to show the title of the cross-referenced chapter/section instead of just its number #4532
- Further customisation of cross-ref labels #5481
- Cross-referencing unnumbered appendix slide in Revealjs presentation #5621
- Crossref support for _tags_ #5652
- Improve treatment of compound crossreferences
- Glossary support
- Page number format control for page regions where collations (list of *) are put
- Crossref collations (list of figures, tables, equations, etc) in non-PDF formats
- Equation numbering, multiple refs in a single block, tags
- Short caption support for all Float crossrefs
- Niceties
- Crossref, TOC,
interactions - Book parts should be referenceable
- Add crossreferences to
- inlines (Equations, arbitrary spans, anchors from headings, etc)
- Subcaption issues with and without labels with KableExtra #4517
support: layout interaction, non-crossreferenced images - Referenced LaTeX table placed in {.column-margin} causes render error #8772
control for all Float crossreferences as well as subfloats and non-crossreferenceable figures (such as Pandoc.Figure)- handle tbl-cap-location in cells #1829
- Table caption located at bottom when you have subtables in docx format #1990
- fig-cap-location:top does place the caption above the figure #2154
#2196 - Add possibility to change the table, figure captions (docx) #2221
- Table number does not appear when using a single table inside a div element. #3931
- crossref: subcaption location control #7456
- crossrefs: margin everything #7455
- fig cap location not changing in revealjs #8938
- Allow computational cell code to be decorated (with
, etc) - Crossref filter and citeproc interaction
- autoref style cross-referencing for PDF engine #2443
- Cross-referencing list items #4045
Outstanding Tasks
- Are we testing Epub crossrefs right now?
- run output through epubcheck
- Check the
label - Check the issues that refer to this
- Consistency of CSS class names: "fig" vs "figure", etc.
- We don't know enough DocX to make it work in all our usecases (subfloats, custom crossrefs, etc):
- Allow Different Types of Cross Reference-able Outputs from a Single Code Chunk #1229