Describe the bug
Using quarkus 3.4.3 and latest opentelemetry there. I want whole my flow be linked and to see it inside zipkin/jaeger (no matter). But when I have redirects in my code -> than I'll always have separate track and new traceId flow.
I cannot always pass traceparent header because of ui (in that case secured cookies could be used so I can store state). But adding as a header doesn't help to link to the parent.
Tried to add parent to the context with next code
`String[] values = traceparentCookie.split("-");
SpanContext parentContext = SpanContext.create(values[1], values[2], TraceFlags.getSampled(), TraceState.getDefault());
Span parentSpan = Span.wrap(parentContext);
Log.infof("TRACEPARENT DATA: trace is = " + values[1] + " and span is = " + values[2]);
Span span = tracer.spanBuilder("ui-provider-picker").setParent(Context.current().with(parentSpan)).startSpan();
try (Scope scope = span.makeCurrent()) {
} finally {
span.setAttribute("test", "12345");
it creates new span and attaches to base process as a last one and then starts new trace with needed me endpoint. It's also created as an empty one without tags or any info.
Overall what I want: to link one span with another one retrieving all needed tags. Couldn't find solution meanwhile.
Any suggestions?
Expected behavior
Expected linked flow of multiple actions on redirect.
Actual behavior
Additional span inside main flow and new trace and span for redirected action
How to Reproduce?
public Uni<RestResponse<Void>> test() {
try {
URI uri = new URI("http://localhost:8080/ui");
RestResponse.ResponseBuilder<Void> objectResponseBuilder = RestResponse.ResponseBuilder.seeOther(uri);
return Uni.createFrom().item(;
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new URLParserException(e);
"http://localhost:8080/ui" - will be added as a new trace in zipkin.
Output of uname -a
or ver
No response
Output of java -version
No response
Quarkus version or git rev
No response
Build tool (ie. output of mvnw --version
or gradlew --version
No response
Additional information
No response