Simplify projection of a single field when using Panache with Hibernate #28844
With the current version of Panache with Hibernate, if we want to project a field from an entity, we need to do this:
import io.quarkus.runtime.annotations.RegisterForReflection;
public class PersonName {
public final String name;
public PersonName(String name){ = name;
// only 'name' will be loaded from the database
PanacheQuery<PersonName> query = Person.find("status", Status.Alive).project(PersonName.class);
It seems a lot of work for returning a single field.
It would be nice ot have a way to specify a field:
PanacheQuery<String> query = Person.find("status", Status.Alive).project("name");
or, maybe,
PanacheQuery<String> query = Person.find("status", Status.Alive).project(Person.attribute("name", String.class));
For comparison, using HIbernate one can do:
session.createQuery("select name from Fruit ...")
This issue applies to both Panache with Hibernate ORM and Panache with Hibernate Reactive
Maybe we should also consider what happens when a user run a query like this:
List<String> distinctNames = Person.find("select distinct from Person p").???.list();
One idea:
List<String> names = Person.distinct().find("status", Status.Alive).project("name", String.class).list()
I haven't tested but it seems that this will work:
List<String> names = Person
.find("select distinct name from Person where ...")