As an SRE
I would like the access logs to emit structured information when using quarkus-logging-json
So that I can filter logs more efficiently
At the moment when using Quarkus access logging with something like Splunk or Kibana, important information like response status code, request URI, response size etc is only available in the message
These should be available as separate JSON properties on the log event so that I can easily filter the logs
Implementation ideas
logback-access does this well when combined with logstash-logback-encoder and emits something along the lines of:
"@timestamp": "2021-05-04T18:24:25.720+01:00",
"status_code": 404,
"method": "GET",
"protocol": "HTTP/1.1",
"requested_uri": "/api/v1/resource/12345678",
"remote_host": "",
"content_length": -1,
"elapsed_time": 76,
"level": "DEBUG",
"logger_name": "access.log",
"message": " - - [2021-05-04T18:24:25.720+0100] \"GET /api/v1/resource/12345678 HTTP/1.1\" 404 -1",