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Update cirq_rigetti to conform to the new mypy standard #6661



Description of the issue
recently mypy released a new version which broke the CI for cirq_regetti ... as a temperary solution we turned off type checks for cirq_regetti #6662

the CI failure is

cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named "pyquil.parser"  [import]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note: See
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Item "int" of "Union[Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument, int]" has no attribute "index"  [union-attr]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Item "int" of "Union[Qubit, QubitPlaceholder, FormalArgument, int]" has no attribute "index"  [union-attr]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Missing return statement  [empty-body]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note: If the method is meant to be abstract, use @abc.abstractmethod
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Signature of "execute" incompatible with supertype "QAM"  [override]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:      Superclass:
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:          def execute(self, executable: Union[EncryptedProgram, Program], memory_map: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Sequence[int], Sequence[float]]]] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Any
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:      Subclass:
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:          def execute(self, executable: Union[EncryptedProgram, Program]) -> T
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Signature of "run" incompatible with supertype "QAM"  [override]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:      Superclass:
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:          def run(self, executable: Union[EncryptedProgram, Program], memory_map: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Sequence[int], Sequence[float]]]] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> QAMExecutionResult
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:      Subclass:
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:          def run(self, program: Union[EncryptedProgram, Program]) -> QAMExecutionResult
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Signature of "native_quil_to_executable" incompatible with supertype "AbstractCompiler"  [override]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:      Superclass:
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:          def native_quil_to_executable(self, nq_program: Program, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[EncryptedProgram, Program]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:      Subclass:
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ note:          def native_quil_to_executable(self, nq_program: Program) -> Union[EncryptedProgram, Program]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Cannot instantiate abstract class "MockQAM" with abstract attribute "execute_with_memory_map_batch"  [abstract]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Cannot instantiate abstract class "MockCompiler" with abstract attribute "reset"  [abstract]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Argument "isa" to "QCSQuantumProcessor" has incompatible type "qcs_api_client.models.instruction_set_architecture.InstructionSetArchitecture"; expected "qcs_sdk.qpu.isa.InstructionSetArchitecture"  [arg-type]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Item "EncryptedProgram" of "Union[EncryptedProgram, Program]" has no attribute "write_memory"  [union-attr]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: Item "Program" of "Union[EncryptedProgram, Program]" has no attribute "write_memory"  [union-attr]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: "Program" has no attribute "_instructions"; maybe "instructions", "_add_instruction", or "filter_instructions"?  [attr-defined]
cirq-rigetti/cirq_rigetti/ error: "Program" has no attribute "_synthesized_instructions"  [attr-defined]
Found 14 errors in 4 files (checked 1163 source files)



kind/healthFor CI/testing/release process/refactoring/technical debt itemstriage/acceptedA consensus emerged that this bug report, feature request, or other action should be worked on


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