Numpy 1.20 includes typing information, breaks mypy checks locally #3767
Description of the issue
mypy encounters errors.
How to reproduce the issue
In a fresh virtual environment, install Cirq and the dev tools (mypy version 0.782). Then execute
This gives the following errors:
cirq/linalg/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "bool_", expected "bool")
cirq/linalg/ error: Argument 1 to "__call__" of "ufunc" has incompatible type "Union[float, complex, Iterable[float], ndarray]"; expected "Union[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic], Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic]], Sequence[Sequence[Any]], _SupportsArray]"
cirq/linalg/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "bool_", expected "bool")
cirq/linalg/ error: Argument 1 to "reduce" has incompatible type "Callable[[Type[number[Any]], Type[number[Any]]], Type[number[Any]]]"; expected "Callable[[dtype[Any], dtype[Any]], dtype[Any]]"
cirq/interop/quirk/cells/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "float", expected "str")
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ error: Item Module of "Union[Module, Any]" has no attribute "rand"
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ error: Item Module of "Union[Module, Any]" has no attribute "rand"
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ error: Item Module of "Union[Module, Any]" has no attribute "rand"
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ error: Item Module of "Union[Module, Any]" has no attribute "rand"
cirq/experiments/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "number[Any]", expected "float")
cirq/linalg/ error: Function "numpy.array" is not valid as a type
cirq/linalg/ note: Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?
cirq/work/ error: Unsupported operand types for % ("number[Any]" and "int")
cirq/work/ note: Left operand is of type "Union[number[Any], ndarray]"
cirq/vis/ error: No overload variant of "round" matches argument type "number[Any]"
cirq/vis/ note: Possible overload variants:
cirq/vis/ note: def round(number: float) -> int
cirq/vis/ note: def [_T] round(number: SupportsRound[_T]) -> int
cirq/vis/ note: <4 more non-matching overloads not shown>
cirq/vis/ error: No overload variant of "round" matches argument type "number[Any]"
cirq/vis/ note: Possible overload variants:
cirq/vis/ note: def round(number: float) -> int
cirq/vis/ note: def [_T] round(number: SupportsRound[_T]) -> int
cirq/vis/ note: <4 more non-matching overloads not shown>
cirq/value/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "complex", expected "ndarray")
cirq/value/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "complex", expected "ndarray")
cirq/testing/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", variable has type "ndarray")
cirq/testing/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", variable has type "ndarray")
cirq/testing/ error: Unsupported left operand type for * (np.array?)
cirq/testing/ error: Argument 1 to "reshape" of "_ArrayOrScalarCommon" has incompatible type "Tuple[number[Any], ...]"; expected "Sequence[int]"
cirq/study/ error: Module has no attribute "bool"; maybe "bool_" or "bool8"?
cirq/study/ error: Module has no attribute "bool"; maybe "bool_" or "bool8"?
cirq/study/ error: Slice index must be an integer or None
cirq/sim/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Tuple[List[int], Optional[ndarray]]", expected "Tuple[List[int], ndarray]")
cirq/sim/ error: Argument 2 to "reshape" has incompatible type "Tuple[number[Any], ...]"; expected "Union[int, Sequence[int]]"
cirq/sim/ error: No overload variant of "range" matches argument type "number[Any]"
cirq/sim/ note: Possible overload variant:
cirq/sim/ note: def range(self, stop: int) -> range
cirq/sim/ note: <1 more non-matching overload not shown>
cirq/sim/ error: Function "numpy.array" is not valid as a type
cirq/sim/ note: Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?
cirq/sim/ error: np.array? has no attribute "shape"
cirq/sim/ error: Unsupported operand types for & ("object" and "int")
cirq/sim/ error: Unsupported operand types for - ("object" and "int")
cirq/sim/ error: No overload variant of "int" matches argument type "object"
cirq/sim/ note: Possible overload variant:
cirq/sim/ note: def int(self, x: Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt, _SupportsIndex] = ...) -> int
cirq/sim/ note: <1 more non-matching overload not shown>
cirq/qis/ error: Argument "shape" to "one_hot" has incompatible type "number[Any]"; expected "Union[int, Sequence[int]]"
cirq/qis/ error: Function "numpy.array" is not valid as a type
cirq/qis/ note: Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?
cirq/protocols/ error: Incompatible default for argument "default" (default has type "ndarray", argument has type "TDefault")
cirq/optimizers/ error: Argument 1 to "kak_decomposition" has incompatible type "Union[Operation, Gate, ndarray, Any]"; expected "Union[ndarray, SupportsUnitary]"
cirq/optimizers/ error: Argument 1 to "kak_decomposition" has incompatible type "Union[Operation, Gate, ndarray, Any]"; expected "Union[ndarray, SupportsUnitary]"
cirq/optimizers/ error: Argument 1 to "kak_decomposition" has incompatible type "_BGate"; expected "Union[ndarray, SupportsUnitary]"
cirq/optimizers/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "None", variable has type "ndarray")
cirq/optimizers/ error: Argument 2 has incompatible type "Union[float, complex, ndarray]"; expected "ndarray"
cirq/optimizers/ error: Argument 1 to "MatrixGate" has incompatible type "Union[float, complex, ndarray]"; expected "ndarray"
cirq/optimizers/ error: Value of type np.array? is not indexable
cirq/optimizers/ error: Value of type np.array? is not indexable
cirq/ops/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "None", expected "ndarray")
cirq/ops/ error: Argument 2 to "allclose" has incompatible type "Optional[ndarray]"; expected "Union[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic], Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic]], Sequence[Sequence[Any]], _SupportsArray]"
cirq/ops/ error: Function "numpy.array" is not valid as a type
cirq/ops/ note: Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?
cirq/ops/ error: Argument 1 to "isclose" has incompatible type "Union[complex, float, Complex]"; expected "Union[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic], Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic]], Sequence[Sequence[Any]], _SupportsArray]"
cirq/ops/ error: Argument 2 to "isclose" has incompatible type "Union[complex, float, Complex]"; expected "Union[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic], Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic]], Sequence[Sequence[Any]], _SupportsArray]"
cirq/ops/ error: Argument "dtype" to "validate_normalized_state_vector" has incompatible type "dtype[Any]"; expected "Optional[Type[number[Any]]]"
cirq/ops/ error: Argument "dtype" to "to_valid_density_matrix" has incompatible type "dtype[Any]"; expected "Optional[Type[number[Any]]]"
cirq/ops/ error: Argument 1 to "identity" has incompatible type "number[Any]"; expected "int"
cirq/ops/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "number[Any]", variable has type "float")
cirq/ops/ error: Argument 2 of "copy" is incompatible with supertype "BaseDensePauliString"; supertype defines the argument type as "Union[str, Iterable[int], ndarray, None]"
cirq/ops/ note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
cirq/ops/ note: See
cirq/ops/ error: Argument 2 of "copy" is incompatible with supertype "BaseDensePauliString"; supertype defines the argument type as "Union[str, Iterable[int], ndarray, None]"
cirq/ops/ note: This violates the Liskov substitution principle
cirq/ops/ note: See
cirq/ops/ error: Unsupported operand types for & ("number[Any]" and "int")
cirq/ops/ note: Left operand is of type "Union[number[Any], ndarray]"
cirq/ops/ error: Argument "dtype" to "eye_tensor" has incompatible type "dtype[Any]"; expected "Type[number[Any]]"
cirq/ops/ error: Unsupported target for indexed assignment (np.array?)
cirq/ops/ error: np.array? has no attribute "reshape"
cirq/linalg/ error: Incompatible default for argument "default" (default has type "ndarray", argument has type "TDefault")
cirq/linalg/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "TDefault", expected "ndarray")
cirq/linalg/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Union[bool, bool_]", expected "bool")
cirq/linalg/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Dict[str, int]", expected "Dict[str, ndarray]")
cirq/linalg/ error: Argument 1 to "__call__" of "ufunc" has incompatible type "Union[complex, float, Complex]"; expected "Union[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic], Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic]], Sequence[Sequence[Any]], _SupportsArray]"
cirq/linalg/ error: Argument 1 to "is_hermitian" has incompatible type "Union[number[Any], ndarray]"; expected "ndarray"
cirq/linalg/ error: Argument 1 to "is_hermitian" has incompatible type "Union[number[Any], ndarray]"; expected "ndarray"
cirq/linalg/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Tuple[Union[number[Any], ndarray], Any]", expected "Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]")
cirq/linalg/ error: Function "numpy.array" is not valid as a type
cirq/linalg/ note: Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?
cirq/linalg/ error: Function "numpy.array" is not valid as a type
cirq/linalg/ note: Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?
cirq/linalg/ error: np.array? has no attribute "astype"
cirq/linalg/ error: Argument 1 to "kron_factor_4x4_to_2x2s" has incompatible type "Union[float, complex, ndarray]"; expected "ndarray"
cirq/linalg/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Union[complex, Any]", expected "ndarray")
cirq/linalg/ error: Argument 1 to "kak_vector" has incompatible type "Iterable[Union[ndarray, SupportsUnitary, KakDecomposition]]"; expected "Union[Iterable[ndarray], ndarray]"
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ error: No overload variant of "__getitem__" of "Sequence" matches argument type "signedinteger[Any]"
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ note: Possible overload variants:
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ note: def __getitem__(self, int) -> Sequence[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ note: def __getitem__(self, slice) -> Sequence[Sequence[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]]
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ error: No overload variant of "__getitem__" of "Sequence" matches argument type "signedinteger[Any]"
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ note: Possible overload variants:
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ note: def __getitem__(self, int) -> Sequence[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ note: def __getitem__(self, slice) -> Sequence[Sequence[Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]]]
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", variable has type "List[ndarray]")
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ error: Argument 2 to "GateTabulation" has incompatible type "List[ndarray]"; expected "ndarray"
cirq/experiments/ error: Argument "zero_state_errors" to "SingleQubitReadoutCalibrationResult" has incompatible type "Dict[Qid, number[Any]]"; expected "Dict[Qid, float]"
cirq/experiments/ error: Argument "one_state_errors" to "SingleQubitReadoutCalibrationResult" has incompatible type "Dict[Qid, number[Any]]"; expected "Dict[Qid, float]"
cirq/experiments/ error: Name 'np.RandomState' is not defined
cirq/experiments/ error: Argument 1 to "RabiResult" has incompatible type "ndarray"; expected "Sequence[float]"
cirq/experiments/ error: Argument 2 to "RabiResult" has incompatible type "ndarray"; expected "Sequence[float]"
cirq/experiments/ error: Argument 2 to "RandomizedBenchMarkResult" has incompatible type "List[number[Any]]"; expected "Sequence[float]"
cirq/experiments/ error: Module has no attribute "polynomial"; maybe "Polynomial"?
cirq/circuits/ error: Function "numpy.array" is not valid as a type
cirq/circuits/ note: Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?
cirq/circuits/ error: Function "numpy.array" is not valid as a type
cirq/circuits/ note: Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?
cirq/sim/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", target has type "List[ndarray]")
cirq/sim/ error: Argument "measurements" to "DensityMatrixStepResult" has incompatible type "Dict[str, List[int]]"; expected "Dict[str, ndarray]"
cirq/sim/ error: Argument 1 to "__init__" of "StepResult" has incompatible type "Dict[str, ndarray]"; expected "Optional[Dict[str, List[int]]]"
cirq/sim/ error: Argument 2 to "reshape" has incompatible type "Tuple[number[Any], number[Any]]"; expected "Union[int, Sequence[int]]"
cirq/protocols/ error: Incompatible default for argument "default" (default has type "ndarray", argument has type "TDefault")
cirq/ops/ error: Argument "dtype" to "validate_normalized_state_vector" has incompatible type "dtype[Any]"; expected "Optional[Type[number[Any]]]"
cirq/ops/ error: Argument "dtype" to "to_valid_density_matrix" has incompatible type "dtype[Any]"; expected "Optional[Type[number[Any]]]"
cirq/circuits/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Optional[ndarray]", expected "ndarray")
cirq/sim/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Tuple[List[int], Optional[ndarray]]", expected "Tuple[List[int], ndarray]")
cirq/sim/ error: No overload variant of "range" matches argument type "number[Any]"
cirq/sim/ note: Possible overload variant:
cirq/sim/ note: def range(self, stop: int) -> range
cirq/sim/ note: <1 more non-matching overload not shown>
cirq/protocols/ error: Incompatible default for argument "default" (default has type "ndarray", argument has type "TDefault")
cirq/protocols/ error: Argument 1 to "reshape" of "_ArrayOrScalarCommon" has incompatible type "Tuple[number[Any], number[Any]]"; expected "Sequence[int]"
cirq/ops/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Iterable[Any]", variable has type "ndarray")
cirq/ops/ error: Argument "wire_symbols" to "CircuitDiagramInfo" has incompatible type "Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]"; expected "Iterable[str]"
cirq/google/optimizers/ error: Argument 2 to "unitary" has incompatible type "None"; expected "ndarray"
cirq/google/optimizers/ error: Argument 3 to "two_qubit_matrix_to_operations" has incompatible type "Operation"; expected "ndarray"
cirq/google/optimizers/ error: Argument 1 to "create_corrected_circuit" has incompatible type "Circuit"; expected "ndarray"
cirq/protocols/ error: Incompatible default for argument "default" (default has type "ndarray", argument has type "TDefault")
cirq/protocols/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Optional[ndarray]", expected "Union[ndarray, TDefault]")
cirq/protocols/ error: Incompatible default for argument "default" (default has type "ndarray", argument has type "TDefault")
cirq/sim/clifford/ error: Return type "Dict[str, List[ndarray]]" of "_run" incompatible with return type "Dict[str, ndarray]" in supertype "SimulatesSamples"
cirq/sim/clifford/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", target has type "List[ndarray]")
cirq/sim/clifford/ error: Value expression in dictionary comprehension has incompatible type "ndarray"; expected type "List[ndarray]"
cirq/google/calibration/ error: Function "numpy.array" is not valid as a type
cirq/google/calibration/ note: Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?
cirq/experiments/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "number[Any]", expected "float")
cirq/experiments/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", variable has type "Sequence[float]")
cirq/experiments/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", variable has type "Sequence[float]")
cirq/experiments/ error: Argument 1 to "least_squares_xeb_fidelity_from_expectations" has incompatible type "List[number[Any]]"; expected "Sequence[float]"
cirq/experiments/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", variable has type "StateVectorTrialResult")
cirq/experiments/ error: Argument 1 to "__call__" of "ufunc" has incompatible type "StateVectorTrialResult"; expected "Union[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic], Sequence[Union[int, float, complex, str, bytes, generic]], Sequence[Sequence[Any]], _SupportsArray]"
cirq/experiments/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", variable has type "List[float]")
cirq/experiments/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", variable has type "List[List[float]]")
cirq/experiments/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Tuple[List[List[float]], List[Any]]", expected "Tuple[ndarray, List[str]]")
cirq/experiments/ error: Argument "observed_probabilities" to "least_squares_xeb_fidelity_from_probabilities" has incompatible type "Tuple[ndarray, ...]"; expected "Sequence[Sequence[float]]"
cirq/experiments/ error: Argument "all_probabilities" to "least_squares_xeb_fidelity_from_probabilities" has incompatible type "Tuple[ndarray, ...]"; expected "Sequence[Sequence[float]]"
cirq/pasqal/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "Union[bool_, ndarray]", variable has type "bool")
cirq/study/ error: Module has no attribute "int"; maybe "uint", "rint", or "intp"?
cirq/study/ error: Module has no attribute "complex"; maybe "complex_", "iscomplex", or "complex64"?
cirq/optimizers/ error: Argument 1 to "assert_allclose_up_to_global_phase" has incompatible type "Union[float, complex, ndarray]"; expected "ndarray"
cirq/linalg/ error: Incompatible return value type (got "Tuple[Union[float, complex, ndarray], Union[float, complex, ndarray]]", expected "Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]")
cirq/ion/ error: Function "numpy.array" is not valid as a type
cirq/ion/ note: Perhaps you need "Callable[...]" or a callback protocol?
cirq/google/ error: Module has no attribute "bool"; maybe "bool_" or "bool8"?
cirq/google/ error: Module has no attribute "bool"; maybe "bool_" or "bool8"?
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", variable has type "List[Any]")
cirq/google/optimizers/two_qubit_gates/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", variable has type "List[Any]")
cirq/contrib/quimb/ error: Return type "Dict[str, List[ndarray]]" of "_run" incompatible with return type "Dict[str, ndarray]" in supertype "SimulatesSamples"
cirq/contrib/quimb/ error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "ndarray", target has type "List[ndarray]")
cirq/contrib/quimb/ error: Value expression in dictionary comprehension has incompatible type "ndarray"; expected type "List[ndarray]"
cirq/contrib/quimb/ error: Argument 1 to "MatrixGate" has incompatible type "Union[float, complex, ndarray]"; expected "ndarray"
Found 133 errors in 63 files (checked 769 source files)
Cirq version