Describe the Bug
The sync between numlock of OS and state of QMK does not work properly.
If i reflash it it works correctly, if i reseat it afterwards it gets the correct state for one time and than the wrong one aftewards.
Steps to reproduce:
- Clone my repo and the FW16 Repo linked down there
./ build fw16_macropad
- flash
- reseat board
- It prints 1 for enabled NUMLOCk once and than 0 for not enabled though if i press the keys the keys are the NUMLOCk Layer
How can i implement it to work correctly?
EDIT: i checked with my lily58 too. Somehow while connecting the keyboard to the computer, it somehow messes up the numlock state to disable it somehow.
- I activated numlock (visible on debug console, layer indicator and OLED screen on lily58)
- I replug lily58
- lily58 says NUMLOCK is active,
- pressing keys on both pads are sending numbers so num is active
- but pad on framework is on numlock disabled layer
- to "fix it back" i need to disable and enable numlock to be in sync again.
Keyboard Used
Custom Fork of FW16 QMK
Link to product page (if applicable)
No response
Operating System
Arch Linux
qmk doctor Output
Is AutoHotKey / Karabiner installed
- AutoHotKey (Windows)
- Karabiner (macOS)
Other keyboard-related software installed
No response
Additional Context
No response