Attribute based secure file storage on cloud
###Steps to Run
Compile: gcc -o setup setup.c -L. -lpbc -lgmp
Run: ./setup
Compile: gcc -o PKGen PKGenServer.c common.c -L. -lpbc -lgmp
Run: ./PKGen
Data owner requests for Private Key by sending attributelist
Compile: gcc -o client client.c common.c -L. -lpbc -lgmp
Run: ./client
Command line input
a. attributelist.txt
Run the server to upload file
Compile: gcc -o server server.c common.c -L. -lgmp -lpbc mysql_config --cflags --libs
Run: ./server
Data owner uploads the encrypted file using the private key obtained by TA
Compile: gcc -o fileuploadcl FileUploadClient.c common.c -L. -lgmp -lpbc
Run ./fileuploadcl address of TA)
command line input
File.txt (file to upload)
Keyword list
4. Data user requests the server for file using a keyword list. If the attributes of the user matches and keyword list matches the user gets access to the file.
Running the Trapdoor server:
Compile: gcc -o tpgser TrapGenServer.c common.c -L. -lgmp -lpbc mysql_config --cflags --libs
Run: ./tpgser
compile: gcc -o Trapclient TrapdoorGen.c common.c -L. -lgmp -lpbc
run ./Trapclient address of metadata server)
Command line input
- Trapdoor keyword search