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Jiayi Pan Jiayi-Pan
PhD Student @ Berkeley AI Research

UC Berkeley

Ben Lackey benofben
Enterprise software guy. Interested in everything. I enjoy books, bikes, hikes and meeting new people.

@neo4j-partners Seattle

运维之巅 opsre
🧰 全世界运维人员联合起来 | The Operations Personnel Of The World Unite


Alex Chi Z. skyzh
building database systems @neondatabase, previously @cmu-db; a bubble tea every day makes me happy right away

@neondatabase Pittsburgh, PA, USA ⇌ Shanghai, China

我秦始皇 wozulong


Tw93 tw93
Be yourself and don't go with the flow.

HangZhou, China

TomlongTK finefuture
Apache Dubbo Committer, Open Source Enthusiast.

Maoyan Entertainment Beijing, China

linyimin linyimin0812


Trista Pan tristaZero
SphereEx co-founder & CTO | Apache Member & Incubator mentor | Apache ShardingSphere PMC; 日本語を勉強して、どうもよろしくお願いします。❤️

@apache @shardingjdbc @SphereEx Beijing, China

郑诚 (ZhengCheng) 1c7
人在广州南沙,为北京公司远程工作(2020年2月开始至今)以前做过字幕组(播放量 440 万)

奇绩创坛 MiraclePlus 广州

石博文 sbwtw
PLC Compiler engineer. Using Rust/C#/Qt.

Inovance Technology Co., Ltd. Shannxi, xi'an


Tokyo, Japan

苏雨丶 niezhiliang


pennyliang pennyliang

tsinghua university china beijing


字节跳动 广东省广州市

Evan Lin kkdai
Attitude is Everything. @golangtw Co-Organizer / LINE Taiwan Technology Evangelist. Golang GDE.

LINE Corp Taipei, Taiwan

dromara dromara
poems & dreams


Kamran Ahmed kamranahmedse
I love building things 🧑‍💻

United Kingdom

Galileo noseew
The unknown little rookie
david l euler davideuler Shanghai, China

flyer flyer103
time flies

ByteDance Shanghai, China

ZiSheng Zhang ZhangZiSheng001


darren fu darren-fu
simple life, simple code

NanJing China

Jon Gjengset jonhoo
Rust educational streamer. At @helsing-ai. Previously at AWS. A fan of making things secure, fast, scalable, and well-documented.

@helsing-ai Oslo, Norway

Vaibhav MysteryVaibhav
Enjoys learning new stuff !!

Apple Inc. Cupertino

Daniel Martí mvdan
Maintainer at @cue-lang, nerd sniper with @golang.

@cue-lang London, United Kingdom

fengyun.rui rfyiamcool
🌈 march forward courageously ! Happy every day ! 🦀 @rosedblabs @go-redsync @servicemesher @b3log @openimsdk @go-co-op

haha China / BeiJing

魏鹏 weipeng2k

Hangzhou China

SnoWalker TaXueWWL
A man is being a geek!

BeiJing China

李鼎 oldratlee
Nobody is perfect, Mmm~ I'm nobody and a new dad! ☕️Java🍩@Kotlin🐍@python🐚Shell💎@vim🦫@golang 🦏JS 👓C# 🦀@rust-lang 🛠C++ 🔞@scala 🍥@clojure📞@erlang

PDD @taobao @aliyun @alibaba Shanghai ⇌ Hangzhou Zhejiang, China

Mihir Soni mihirsoni

@opensearch-project AWS Seattle

halfrost halfrost
CS master @Stanford 💪 天道酬勤,勤能补拙。博观而约取,厚积而薄发。Gopher / Rustacean / Kubernetes / Cloud Native / Machine Learning / DeFi Smart Contract

@Kubeflow @CNCF [California, Singapore, China]

Crypto Michael michaelliao
Crypto developer.

Beijing, China

Benedict Jin asdf2014
Committer and PMC Member of @apache Druid, Chinese translator of 'Java Coding Problems' book

Shopee Singapore



Jimmy Fang fangjian0423
Engineer. Author of 《深入理解 Spring Cloud 与实战》🔥🔥. @apache RocketMQ Committer 🚀🚀.

@apache Hangzhou, China
