Here we copy from the amazing work Splatam and illustrate how to add our proposed PoseNet for better tracking. Please refer to orginal Splatam and our work Continuous Pose in NeRF for more details and usage.
Here we follow the same as Splatam SplaTAM has been tested on python 3.10, CUDA>=11.6. The simplest way to install all dependences is to use anaconda and pip in the following steps:
conda create -n splatam python=3.10
conda activate splatam
conda install -c "nvidia/label/cuda-11.6.0" cuda-toolkit
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.6 -c pytorch -c conda-forge
pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively, we also provide a conda environment.yml file :
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate splatam
We add two more scripts to Splatam, you can copy it to your slam-project. utils/ and utils/ Then in main scripts scripts/ we add
from utils.PoseNet import TransNet, RotsNet
from utils import rotation_conversions
Since now we do not want to initialize independent parameters for tracking, but using time + PoseNet to output pose for optimization, we need to do following modifications:
- Step 0:
- Initialize the PoseNet, we basically just need the number of frames, if you do not know in your case, just put a large number here. If you want to small model, feel free to change the layers_feat
##### create PoseNet
posenet_config = { 'n_img':num_frames ,
'tracking': {
"poseNet_freq": 5,
"device": "cuda:0",
"layers_feat": [None,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256],
"skip": [4] }
transNet = TransNet(posenet_config)
transNet =
rotsNet = RotsNet(posenet_config)
rotsNet =
Step 1:
- Change the optimizer and parameter initialization, we modify the function initialize_optimizer() to make sure the PoseNet parameters will be passed to optimizer, moreover we set the
to avoid leaf tensor replacement issues. Note in mapping we change it back and this modificaton might be different based on your implementation in your slam-system.
def initialize_optimizer(params, lrs_dict, tracking, transNet=None, rotsNet=None): lrs = lrs_dict if tracking: if transNet is not None and rotsNet is not None: # we do not want to update cam_unnorm_rots=0.0004 and cam_trans=0.002, # but we want to update the weights of the networks params['cam_unnorm_rots'] = torch.nn.Parameter(params['cam_unnorm_rots'].cuda().float().contiguous().requires_grad_(False)) params['cam_trans'] = torch.nn.Parameter(params['cam_trans'].cuda().float().contiguous().requires_grad_(False)) param_groups = [{'params': [v for k, v in params.items() if k not in ["cam_unnorm_rots","cam_trans"]]}] param_groups.append({'params': transNet.parameters(), 'name': "transNet", 'lr': lrs['cam_trans']}) param_groups.append({'params': rotsNet.parameters(), 'name': "rotsNet", 'lr': lrs['cam_unnorm_rots']}) return torch.optim.Adam(param_groups) else: return torch.optim.Adam(param_groups) else: # in mapping we want to set cam_unnorm_rots to be differentiable agai params['cam_unnorm_rots'] = torch.nn.Parameter(params['cam_unnorm_rots'].cuda().float().contiguous().requires_grad_(True)) params['cam_trans'] = torch.nn.Parameter(params['cam_trans'].cuda().float().contiguous().requires_grad_(True)) param_groups = [{'params': [v], 'name': k, 'lr': lrs[k]} for k, v in params.items()] return torch.optim.Adam(param_groups, lr=0.0, eps=1e-15)
- Change the optimizer and parameter initialization, we modify the function initialize_optimizer() to make sure the PoseNet parameters will be passed to optimizer, moreover we set the
Step 2
We change the main loop, note that if you want to make the difference every timestep to be continuous, you need to set the forwarp_prop to False otherwise it already calculate the candidate pose with a const speed assumption.
We first save the last time pose:
if time_idx > 0: params = initialize_camera_pose(params, time_idx, forward_prop=config['tracking']['forward_prop']) current_cam_unnorm_rot_est = params['cam_unnorm_rots'][..., time_idx].detach().clone() candidate_cam_tran_est = params['cam_trans'][..., time_idx].detach().clone() current_cam_unnorm_rot_est_mat = rotation_conversions.quaternion_to_matrix(current_cam_unnorm_rot_est)
By doing so after each optimization step we will multiple our new estimate pose on this. Note we convert quaternion to matrix but this is not necessary, you can directly do multiplication on quaternion since RotsNet output normalized quaternion
Last we calculate new pose estimation and put it back to
rots_delta_mat = rotation_conversions.quaternion_to_matrix(rots_delta) rots_new_est = torch.matmul(current_cam_unnorm_rot_est_mat, rots_delta_mat) params['cam_unnorm_rots'] = params['cam_unnorm_rots'].clone().detach() params['cam_trans'] = params['cam_trans'].clone().detach() params['cam_unnorm_rots'][..., time_idx] = rotation_conversions.matrix_to_quaternion(rots_new_est) params['cam_trans'][..., time_idx] = (candidate_cam_tran_est + trans_delta)
We use
params['cam_unnorm_rots'] = params['cam_unnorm_rots'].clone().detach()
to avoid issues of visiting graph twice.
That's it, by simply doing so we test on Replica room 0 and results we show on step 500, more results will coming out.
Method | Rel Pose Error | Pose Error | RMSE | PSNR |
Splatam | 0.0011 | 0.0089 | 0.019 | 32.3667 |
Splatam+Ours | 0.0002 | 0.0084 | 0.0031 | 37.0875 |