| |-- run_video.py
| |-- run_video_trt.py
| |-- images_depth_image_extraction.py
| |-- videos_depth_image_extraction.py
| |-- Depth_Anythingv2_TensorRT_python
| | | |-- checkpoints
| | | | | |-- depth_anything_v2_vitl.onnx
| | | | | |-- depth_anything_v2_vitl_fp16.engine
| | | | | |-- ...
| | | |-- tools
| | | | | |-- onnx2trt.py
| | | |-- ...
| |-- TensorRT-
| | | |-- TensorRT-
| | | | | |-- onnx_graphsurgeon
| | | | | |-- ...
| | | |-- ...
| |-- ...
docker build -t depth_anything_trt_env .
docker run -it --gpus all --name {container_name} \
--shm-size=64G -p 8845:8845 -e GRANT_SUDO=yes --user root \
-v {root_folder}:/workspace/Depth-Anything \
-w /workspace/Depth-Anything depth_anything_trt_env:latest bash
- Password: 1234
- This setup is already installed in depth_anything_trt_env. If you need to install tensorrt in a new environment, run it.
- Need to match the Python version
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/TensorRT-
source ~/.bashrc
source /etc/profile
cd TensorRT-
pip install tensorrt-8.6.1-cp310-none-linux_x86_64.whl
cd TensorRT-
pip install graphsurgeon-0.4.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl
cd TensorRT-
pip install onnx_graphsurgeon-0.3.12-py2.py3-none-any.whl
cd Depth_Anythingv2_TensorRT_python
python tools/onnx2trt.py \
--mode {fp16|fp32} \
-o {onnx_path} \
--output {trt_engine_path} \
python videos_depth_image_extraction.py \
--encoder {vitl|vitb|vits} \
--video_path {input_video_path} \
--dep_folder_path {depth_save_path} \
--rgb_dep_folder_path {rgb_depth_save_path} \
--raw_img_folder_path {raw_image_save_path} \
--video_out_dir {video_save_path} \
--save_raw_img \
python images_depth_image_extraction.py \
--encoder {vitl|vitb|vits} \
--image_path {input_folder_path} \
--dep_folder_path {depth_save_path} \
--rgb_dep_folder_path {rgb_depth_save_path}
python run_video.py \
--encoder {vitl|vitb|vits} \
--video_path {input_video_path}
--outdir {video_save_path}
python run_video_trt.py \
--engine {trt_engine_path} \
--video_path {input_video_path}
--outdir {video_save_path}