🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /vt-vl-lab/FGVC
👉[ECCV 2020] Flow-edge Guided Video Completion
⭐️STARS:672, 今日上升数↑:107
[ECCV 2020] Flow-edge Guided Video Completion
[Paper] [Project Website] [Google Colab (coming soon)]
We present a new flow-based video completion algorithm. Previous flow completion methods are often unable to retain the sharpness of motion boundaries. Our method first extracts and completes motion edges, and then uses them to guide piecewise-smooth flow completion with sharp edges. Existing methods propagate colors among local flow connections between adjacent frames. However, not all missing regions in a video can be reached in this way because the motion boundaries form impenetrable barriers. Our method alleviates this problem by introducing non-local flow connections to temporally distant frames, enabling propagating video content over motion boundaries. We validate our approach on the DAVIS dataset. Both visual and quantitativ...
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /CorentinJ/Real-Time-Voice-Cloning
👉Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
😎TOPICS: deep-learning,pytorch,tensorflow,tts,voice-cloning,python
⭐️STARS:20879, 今日上升数↑:223
Real-Time Voice Cloning
This repository is an implementation of Transfer Learning from Speaker Verification to
Multispeaker Text-To-Speech Synthesis (SV2TTS) with a vocoder that works in real-time. Feel free to check my thesis if you're curious or if you're looking for info I haven't documented. Mostly I would recommend giving a quick look to the figures beyond the introduction.
SV2TTS is a three-stage deep learning framework that allows to create a numerical representation of a voice from a few seconds of audio, and to use it to condition a text-to-speech model trained to generalize to new voices.
Video demonstration (click the picture):
Papers implemented
URL | Designation | Title | Implementation source |
1806.04558 | SV2TTS | **Transfer Learning from Speaker Verification to Multispeaker Text-To-Sp... |
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /microsoft/nni
👉An open source AutoML toolkit for automate machine learning lifecycle, including feature engineering, neural architecture search, model compression and hyper-parameter tuning.
😎TOPICS: automl,deep-learning,neural-architecture-search,hyperparameter-optimization,distributed,bayesian-optimization,automated-machine-learning,machine-learning,machine-learning-algorithms,data-science,tensorflow,pytorch,neural-network,deep-neural-network,model-compression,feature-engineering,automated-feature-engineering,nas,python,feature-extraction
⭐️STARS:7094, 今日上升数↑:91
NNI (Neural Network Intelligence) is a lightweight but powerful toolkit to help users automate Feature Engineering, Neural Architecture Search, Hyperparameter Tuning and Model Compression.
The tool manages automated machine learning (AutoML) experiments, dispatches and runs experiments' trial jobs generated by tuning algorithms to search the best neural architecture and/or hyper-parameters in different training environments like Local Machine, Remote Servers, OpenPAI, Kubeflow, <a href=...
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /geerlingguy/ansible-for-devops
👉Ansible for DevOps examples.
😎TOPICS: ansible,devops,vagrant,examples,jeff-geerling,book,leanpub,amazon,kindle,docker,playbook,kubernetes,aws
⭐️STARS:3565, 今日上升数↑:75
Ansible for DevOps Examples
This repository contains Ansible examples developed to support different sections of Ansible for DevOps, a book on Ansible by Jeff Geerling.
Most of the examples are full-fledged VM examples, which use Vagrant, VirtualBox, and Ansible to boot and configure VMs on your local workstation. Not all playbooks follow all of Ansible's best practices, as they illustrate particular Ansible features in an instructive manner.
For more interesting examples of what you can do with Ansible, please see the Ansible Vagrant Examples repository, and browse through some of geerlingguy's roles on Ansible Galaxy.
Examples and Chapters in which they're used
Here is an outline of all the examples contained in this repository, by chapter:
Chapter 1
- N/A
Chapter 2
- [`first-ansib...
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /mxrch/GHunt
👉🕵️♂️ Investigate Google Accounts with emails.
⭐️STARS:4213, 今日上升数↑:283
GHunt is an OSINT tool to extract information from any Google Account using an email.
It can currently extract:
- Owner's name
- Last time the profile was edited
- Google ID
- If the account is a Hangouts Bot
- Activated Google services (YouTube, Photos, Maps, News360, Hangouts, etc.)
- Possible YouTube channel
- Possible other usernames
- Public photos (P)
- Phones models (P)
- Phones firmwares (P)
- Installed softwares (P)
- Google Maps reviews (M)
- Possible physical location (M)
The features marked with a (P) require the target account to have the default setting of Allow the people you share content with to download your photos and videos
on the Google AlbumArchive, or if the target has ever used Picasa linked to their Google account.
More info here.
Those marked with a (M) require the Google Maps reviews of the target to be public (they are by default).
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /The-Art-of-Hacking/h4cker
👉This repository is primarily maintained by Omar Santos and includes thousands of resources related to ethical hacking / penetration testing, digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), vulnerability research, exploit development, reverse engineering, and more.
😎TOPICS: hacking,penetration-testing,hacking-series,video-course,cybersecurity,ethical-hacking,ethicalhacking,hacker,exploit,exploits,exploit-development,vulnerability,vulnerability-scanners,vulnerability-assessment,vulnerability-management,vulnerability-identification,awesome-lists,awesome-list,training,hackers
⭐️STARS:8317, 今日上升数↑:229
Cyber Security Resources
This repository includes thousands of cybersecurity-related references and resources and it is maintained by Omar Santos. This GitHub repository has been created to provide supplemental material to several books, video courses, and live training created by Omar Santos and other co-authors. It provides over 7,000 references, scripts, tools, code, and other resources that help offensive and defensive security professionals learn and develop new skills. This GitHub repository provides guidance on how build your own hacking environment, learn about offensive security (ethical hacking) techniques, vulnerability research, exploit development, reverse engineering, malware analysis, threat intelligence, threat hunting, digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), includes examples of real-life penetration testing reports, and more.
The Art of Hacking Series
The [...
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /januschung/math-worksheet-generator
👉Create basic addition, subtraction and multiplication practice questions with the answer sheet
😎TOPICS: math,maths,mathematics,learning,learning-exercise,addition,subtraction,multiplication,children,education,worksheet,worksheet-answers,hacktoberfest
⭐️STARS:335, 今日上升数↑:98
Math Worksheet Generator
My best friend tests his 5 year old basic math questions from store-bought material which is good for one time use (his son memorizes the answers) …. but he wants to give him more practice.
Two solutions:
- keep buying more one time usage materials (less beer budget); or
- make question sets with the number pairs and calculate the answer for each question manually (less beer time)
Not ideal.
That's the reason for me to look into an automate way to get the job done.
Benefit of the Math Worksheet Generator
With the Maths Worksheet Generator, you can create a PDF with unique questions, as needed, in a fraction of second.
There are four choices:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Mixed
Install required package with the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
How to Use
- Generate the worksheet in pdf format with the following command:
python3 --type [+|-|x|mi...
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /horovod/horovod
👉Distributed training framework for TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Apache MXNet.
😎TOPICS: tensorflow,uber,machine-learning,machinelearning,mpi,baidu,deep-learning,deeplearning,keras,pytorch,mxnet,spark
⭐️STARS:10180, 今日上升数↑:38
.. raw:: html
<p align="center"><img src="" alt="Logo" width="200"/></p>
.. raw:: html
.. image::
:alt: PyPI Version
.. image::
:alt: Build Status
.. image::
:alt: Documentation Status
.. image::
:alt: License
.. image::
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /PiotrMachowski/Home-Assistant-custom-components-Xiaomi-Cloud-Map-Extractor
👉This custom integration provides a way to present a live view of a map for a Xiaomi vacuum.
😎TOPICS: home-assistant,custom-component,xiaomi,xiaomi-smart-home,vacuum,robot,roborock,cloud,map
⭐️STARS:118, 今日上升数↑:34
Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor
This custom integration provides a way to present a live view of a map for a Xiaomi vacuum.
Key | Type | Required | Value | Description |
platform |
string | true | xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor |
Name of a platform |
host |
string | true | |
IP address of a vacuum |
token |
string | true | ghjhca3ykg8o2zyyj7xb5adamhgsypel |
Token of a vacuum |
username |
string | true | |
Username (email or user ID) used to connect to Xiaomi cloud. |
password |
string | true | aVerySecretPassword |
Password used to connect to Xiaomi cloud |
country |
string | true ... |
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /devanshbatham/Awesome-Bugbounty-Writeups
👉A curated list of bugbounty writeups (Bug type wise) , inspired from
😎TOPICS: bugbounty,bugbountytips,bughunting,bugbounty-writeups,security-writeups,bugbounty-blogs,bugbounty-yahoo,bugbounty-facebook,bughunting-methodology,bughunting-writeups
⭐️STARS:1091, 今日上升数↑:14
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
- Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
- Clickjacking (UI Redressing Attack)
- Local File Inclusion (LFI)
- Subdomain Takeover
- Denial of Service (DOS)
- Authentication Bypass
- SQL injection
- [Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR)](
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /rafael-rfzorzi/glacX2020
⭐️STARS:47, 今日上升数↑:12
Sistema OpenSource criado por Rafael De Leon Serafim para gestão de pequenos prestadores de serviços automotivos.
Sistema desktop desenvolvido em Python 3.7
Com o Python 3.7 devidamente instalado, certifique-se de ins...
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /psf/black
👉The uncompromising Python code formatter
😎TOPICS: python,code,formatter,codeformatter,pyfmt,gofmt,yapf,autopep8
⭐️STARS:18187, 今日上升数↑:14
The Uncompromising Code Formatter
🤩Python随身听-技术精选: /PyTorchLightning/pytorch-lightning
👉The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research. Scale your models, not the boilerplate.
😎TOPICS: python,deep-learning,artificial-intelligence,ai,pytorch,data-science,machine-learning
⭐️STARS:8875, 今日上升数↑:33
The lightweight PyTorch wrapper for high-performance AI research.
Scale your models, not the boilerplate.
Website • Key Features • How To Use • Docs • Examples • Community • Grid AI • Licence