Strange behaviour with asyncio.create_task and fixture scope #904
In the following script I create a asyncio task in a fixture which should read the contents of a given queue in the background the moment something gets put into the queue. When the @fixture(scope="function", autouse=True) all the values get read from the queue as they are written to it (as expected). When I change the fixture to @fixture(scope="module", autouse=True) the values only get read from the queue at teardown - the task gets continued only while teardown. In fact this behavior appears for every scope!="function". This seems to be the case for every task created in a fixture and leads to not working tests for fixtures with scopes other than "function".
Am I missing something here and this is intended behavior? Or is this a bug?
from pytest_asyncio import fixture
from pytest import mark
from asyncio import sleep, create_task
from asyncio.queues import Queue
from logging import error
queue = Queue()
async def recv(queue: Queue):
error(f'recv task started')
await queue.put("test")
while True:
error(f'recv {await queue.get()}')
@fixture(scope="module", autouse=True)
async def fix():
global queue
task = create_task(recv(queue))
async def test_test():
global queue
for i in range(5):
error(f'send {i}')
await queue.put(i)
await sleep(0.1)
assert False
(scope="function") Expected behavior. The messages get read while the test is running - The task gets continued while the test is running
(scope="module") Unexpected behavior. The messages get read at teardown - The task gets continued after the test is run