Testing universal2 wheel on arm64 macOS cp38 runner result in not a supported wheel on this platform
Currently, to test a wheel, wheels are first installed with pip. On arm64 macOS github runner (macos-14
), wheels are installed with arch -x86_64 pip install ...
. This results in ERROR: xxx_universal2.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
On my local M1 macmini, I am able to recreate the issue by:
- Install python3.8.10 x86_64 version from (Note that x86_64 version is used in python3.8 even for arm64 macOS runner according to Fix cp38-macosx universal2 and arm64 Python pkg URL #1169): https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.10/python-3.8.10-macosx10.9.pkg
python3.8 -m pip install apngasm_python-1.2.3-cp311-cp311-macosx_11_0_universal2.whl
If I rename the problematic wheel name to -macosx_10_9_universal2.whl
, the problem does not occur. This does not make sense as we are testing on macos-14, which is much newer than macos 10.9
or 11.0
This problem does not occur for universal2 python versions (i.e. python >3.8).
Relevant issue: #1746
You can download sample universal2 wheels from artifact of this run (https://github.com/laggykiller/apngasm-python/actions/runs/8063189658), or directly down here:
was added to the end of whl file name end so that github allow me to upload it. Just remove .zip
extension from the file name after downloading.)
Build log
EDIT: I have tried with cibuildwheel master branch, and the problem still exists: https://github.com/laggykiller/apngasm-python/actions/runs/8074988563/job/22061164760#step:4:1419