Here, we, the Institute for Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Zürich, provide access to our continuously developing training resources for the project "Students Supporting Critical Care during the COVID-19 pandemic".
COVID-19 is a novel disease caused by infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus that was first described in December 2019. The disease has been observed to spread exponentially in many countries and has reached global pandemic status within three months. According to first experience, hospitalization is required in approximately 20 % of cases and causes severe, life-threatening illness result in approximately 10 %. In some countries, health care systems are being overwhelmed by the rapid increase in critically ill patients that far exceed their capacity. A key part of fighting this pandemic is to openly exchange scientific information and advance our understanding of the disease.
Time is dear and international collaboration, including sharing of logistic strategies, is essential to attempt to contain the casualties of this pandemic. We hope that our training resources and experiences may add to the toolset needed to combat the COVID-19 pandemics on strategic and institutional level.
This GitHub repository consists of two separate folders: (1) one containing the original training resources and additional logistic material in German (and English) and (2) the second containing all material in a translated form to English.
Please beware that some Resources (especially the PodCasts) must still be uploaded, this will happen in the course of the next days.
I also invite you to Visit the "RIsk Stratification in COVID-19 patients in the ICU (RISC-19-ICU)" International Registry under
Zürich, 16. March 2020
Pedro D. Wendel Garcia, Paola Massarotto, Stephanie Klinzing, Reto Schüpbach (Institue of Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Zurich)