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This repo houses Push protocol's website, documentation and blogs. More info below on how to run the website or submit PRs for new documentation, blog or website pages.



$ yarn install

Local Development

$ yarn start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.

Serve Build

$ npm run build && npm run serve


$ yarn build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.


Using SSH:

$ USE_SSH=true yarn deploy

Not using SSH:

$ GIT_USER=<Your GitHub username> yarn deploy

How to submit new documentation

  • All assets (Images, etc) should be put under /static/assets/docs/{relativeproduct}/{relativefolder}/{relativearticle}

    for example: if you are creating tutorial for creating channel under notifications, then images for them should be under /static/assets/docs/notifications/tutorials/create-channel

    Feel free to create a folder for a relative document incase needed.

  • We follow numbering format and specific format for folder structure, article structure and positioning, do make sure that you are aware of those, refer existing articles for more understanding.

  • You don't have to put a preview image for any documentation as any .mdx file under the /docs will automatically generate a preview image.

  • Avoid adding custom components unless really required.

  • Use live playground to ensure builders can play with the code.

  • Use modern standards for images (aivf, webp) wherever possible.

  • Ensure consistency is maintained with other articles that are written.

  • Ensure you know how front matter of Docusaurus works. Recommended to read about front matter from Docusaurus for best practices.

  • Once you are done with the article, raise a PR and a team member will review -> merge -> deploy the website with your newly added docs.

How to submit new blog

  • All blogs go in /blog section. Each blog is a seperate folder that follows the naming convention of yyyy-mm-dd-blog-short-title-in-kebab-case

  • Cover images and any other images goes inside this folder.

  • All images need to follow modern standards (webp or aivf).

  • Create an inside this folder struture and write you blog here.

  • Ensure you are aware of all the meta tags that you have to provide. Make sure you are aware of all standards mentioned here and include them in the blog.

  • All authors should be included in /blog/authors.yml and author images should be placed in /assets/blog/authors/.

  • Once you are done with the article, raise a PR and a team member will review -> merge -> deploy the website with your newly added blogs.

How to submit new webpage

  • All webpage go in /src/pages section.

  • All custom components go in src/components section.

  • You can build .mdx markdown page as well. Follow this Docusaurus tutorial on How to build a page for more info.

  • Ensure images are of modern format (aivf, webp) and are stored under /static/assets/website/{relevant_folder} or for custom components under /static/assets/src/{relevant_folder}

  • Once you are done with the article, raise a PR and a team member will review -> merge -> deploy the website with your newly added blogs.

Useful commands

Convert all pngs to webp (Mac Terminal)

  • Browse to that folder and run for file in *; do cwebp -q 80 "$file" -o "${file%.*}.webp"; done

Useful references


This website is built using Docusaurus 2. a modern static website generator.


Push Comms Website (






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