New undocumented name length restriction for Dashboard resource #3560
What happened?
After update of Pulumi.AzureNative
provider to version 2.59.0 dashboard creation started to fail with following error:
azure-native:portal/v20200901preview:Dashboard (dashboard-qa-merge-group-253f6f9-8e77-eastus2-):
error: azure-native:portal/v20200901preview:Dashboard resource 'dashboard-qa-merge-group-253f6f9-8e77-eastus2-' has a problem: 'dashboardName' does not match expression '^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,24}$'
This previously worked as we have deployed dashboards with such long names before this update. I've tried also updating the API version to latest supported by Pulumi (v20221201preview), but the issue prevails.
What is also frustrating is that the error message don't include the autogenerated suffix. I tried to shorten the name and still get the error like this:
azure-native:portal/v20221201preview:Dashboard (dash-regional-eastus2-):
error: azure-native:portal/v20221201preview:Dashboard resource 'dash-regional-eastus2-' has a problem: 'dashboardName' does not match expression '^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,24}$'
using AzurePortal = Pulumi.AzureNative.Portal.V20200901Preview;
_ = new AzurePortal.Dashboard("dashboard-qa-merge-group-253f6f9-8e77-eastus2-",
new AzurePortal.DashboardArgs
ResourceGroupName = "sample-rg",
Location = "eastus2",
Properties = new AzurePortal.Inputs.DashboardPropertiesWithProvisioningStateArgs
Lenses = new[]
new AzurePortal.Inputs.DashboardLensArgs
Order = 0,
Parts = Array.Empty<AzurePortal.Inputs.DashboardPartsArgs>()
Output of pulumi about
Version 3.131.0
Go Version go1.23.0
Go Compiler gc
resource azure-native 2.59.0
resource cloudflare 5.37.1
language dotnet unknown
resource random 4.16.3
resource tls 5.0.4
OS darwin
Version 14.6.1
Arch arm64
This project is written in dotnet: executable='/opt/homebrew/bin/dotnet' version='8.0.401'
Additional context
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