- Git Basics
- Linux CLI and Networking
- VCS (hello gitty), GitHub and Collaboration
- Intro to HTML & CSS
- Responsive Web Design
- HTML & CSS Practice
- JavaScript Basics
- Document Object Model - practice
- Building a Tiny JS World (pre-OOP) - practice
- Object oriented JS - practice
- OOP exercise - practice
- Offline Web Applications - optional
- Memory pair game — real project!
- Website Performance Optimization - optional
- Friends App - real project!
At first I listened first two weeks of Introduction to Git and Github. The course was useful and gave me an understanding of Git Basics. In addition to this I watched Bogdan Stashchuk's video about Git, which gave me good understanding how Git Areas work on basic level.
Than I passed all the levels on learngitbranching.js.org. It wasn't too difficult, but it took me some time. The game gives good visual presentation of branches.
Than I read about markdown and completed Communicating Using Markdown course from Github.
However, I had some problems when I sent pull-request to mock-repo.
Completed Linux Tutorial Introduction course. It was really cool, I liked it a lot! Now I know main Linux commands.
Than I read this article about HTTP: Part 1 and Part 2. To be honest I found this article a quite complicated and confusing.
Listened last two weeks of Introduction to Git and Github. Learned a lot of information about working with remote repositories, solving conflicts and collaborating with other developers. All the material was well presented, such as before. Also the practical examples were shown very well, there was a feeling like it was shown a work on the real project.
Since I have passed all the levels before, I have nothing more to say about learngitbranching.js.org.
Summing up the "General" module, I think that it would be more understandable for me, as for person who have never used Git and the Command Line before, if the "Linux CLI and HTTP" topic went first, because it gives the concept of how to work with the Command Line. As the example, I had to use the "cd" command to enter the "mock-repo" when I needed to create a pull-request. Also I think it would be well if creating a pull-request task was in topic called "VCS (hello gitty), GitHub and Collaboration" because it's about working with remote repos and some things I wanted to know, when I was creating a pull-request.
Well, that's all for now, so I will move on😺
Listened first two weeks of HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers. I already knew most of the information, but it was useful to refresh my knowledge, especially considering that I haven't practiced for a long time. From what I repeated, I can highlight the topics "Combining selectors" and "Specifity".
Than I passed two courses: Learn HTML and Learn CSS. All information is well presented and the main advantage of these courses is that you immediately reinforce knowledge with a practical example.
Read the article Responsive web design basics. Very useful information on how to create responsive websites.
Watched Flexbox playlist: FLEXBOX. Вчимося верстати на флексах. Yevhen Andrikanych is the person from whose lessons I started to learn frontend development. The greatest presentation of the material. Watching these videos gave me good understanding of how to work with flexbox.
Passed the game Flexbox Froggy. Very cool and funny game to learn how flexbox works.
Watched Grid Layout playlist: CSS Grid Layout. Another perfect course from Yevhen Andrikanych. Learning grid was a little harder for me than learning flexbox, because there are a lot of properties used to control grid tables.
Passed the game Grid Garden. Great game to learn how grid works. Some levels gave me a couple of difficulties, but it was also cool experience.