This Tableau dashboard visualizes and analyzes house sales data for King County. The primary dataset used is a csv file containing house sale information for homes sold between May 2014 to May 2015.
The data file HouseData.xlsx
contains the following attributes for each King County home sale:
- Price - sale price of the home
- Bedrooms - number of bedrooms
- Bathrooms - number of bathrooms
- Sqft Living - square footage of living space
- Sqft lot - square footage of lot space
- Floors - number of floors
- Waterfront - Presence of waterfront
- View - Good, Average or no view
- Condition - Condition of the house
- Yr built - Year in which the house was built
- Location - geographic coordinates
- Date - date of sale
- Zipcode - 5 digit zipcode
The dashboard includes the following visualizations and analyses:
- Daily Average house sales price - line chart showing avg price of home sales by date
- Distribution of house sales prices - histogram showing distribution of prices
- Average price by bedrooms - linechart of average price vs # of bedrooms
- Map with avg sales prices - chloropleth map colored by house price for each sale
- Filters for month, sqft living area, year built, etc.
The dashboards include several filters that can be used to look at subsets of the data:
- Filter by different month
- Filter by sqft living
- Filter by year built
The data file and Tableau workbook are contained in this GitHub repo.
Let me know if you have any other questions!