First layer of wipe tower with MMU No Sparse Layers and Variable Layer Height is too thin #8358
Description of the bug
When slicing with "No Sparse Layers" and variable layer height, the height of the first layer of the wipe tower defaults to the height of the last layer of the model printed. If this is very low, for instance 0.10 or lower, it causes unsatisfactory first layer adhesion, with a high likelihood of print failure due to the wipe tower moving.
The first layer of the wipe tower should always be the default first layer height. In fact, there is no reason for the wipe tower to have variable layer height if No Sparse Layers is on
Project file & How to reproduce
- Select "No Sparse Layers"
- Variable layer height3.
- Preview shows the first layer of the wipe tower is the same layer height as the preceding layer of the model, even if it is very a very low value.
Checklist of files included above
- Project file
- Screenshot
Version of PrusaSlicer
Version 2.4.1+arm64
Operating system
Mac OS 11.4
Printer model