2.8.0-alpha5 Time Remaining til Color Change No Longer Showing on Printer Screen #12849
Description of the bug
the MK3S+ screen used to display total remaining print time and time remaining until next color change, and it would change about every 5 seconds. Now it seems to only showing total print time remaining. I had a color change scheduled to occur, but since it never showed time remaining until color change, I assumed I accidentally forgot to put in the color change. But nope, it ran the correct color change procedure.
Project file & How to reproduce
Add a color change to a project and view MK3S+ screen. Never shows time remaining until color change, only total time remaining.
Checklist of files included above
- Project file
- Screenshot
Version of PrusaSlicer
Operating system
Windows 11
Printer model
Prusa MK3S+
No labels