I thought it might be useful for beginner and experienced developers to have a list of tutorials and resources about Swift programming. This page is a work in progress and it will be updated when I find new tutorials and resources. Feel free to do a PR and I will take a look at it when I have some free time. I will not accept all PR's, I might also just take certain parts of a PR.
I run ProgrammingWithSwift, and I will be adding content from my website/youtube channel to this list. I thought it would be best if I was upfront about that.
- Beginner Swift programming tutorials
- SwiftUI tutorials
- Combine tutorials
- Catalyst tutorials
- General resources
Still to come
- Building forms with SwiftUI
- SwiftUI Tutorials
- Building BarChart with Shape API in SwiftUI
- SwiftUI getting Started
- The power of Environment in SwiftUI
- ViewModifiers in SwiftUI
- Navigation in SwiftUI
- Pickers in forms
- Create a Floating Action Button with SwiftUI
- Create a slide out menu with SwiftUI
- Build a stopwatch app with SwiftUI
- SwiftUI Lottie Animations and Swift Package Manager
- Custom ViewModifiers in SwiftUI
- Move List item with SwiftUI
- Delete List item with SwiftUI
- SwiftUI Form tutorial for beginners
- Create a Circular Image in SwiftUI in One Minute
- Getting Started with Swift UI and Xcode 11
- SwiftUI Fetching JSON and Image Data with BindableObject
- SwiftUI Basics: Dynamic Lists, HStack VStack, Images with Circle Clipped Stroke Overlays
- SwiftUI: Facebook Complex Layouts - Horizontal Scroll View
- SwiftUI Sequence Animation with Delay
- SwiftUI Context Menu
- SwiftUI Build a Form from scratch
- Searching List in SwiftUI Using UISearchBar
- Implementing Pull to Refresh in SwiftUI
- Implementing List Pagination in SwiftUI
- Understanding ObservableObject in SwiftUI
- SwiftUI and Core Data - Build a To-Do List App
- Problem Solving with Combine Swift
- Getting started with the Combine framework in Swift
- Creating a custom Combine Publisher to extend UIKit
- Combine debugging using operators in Swift
- Reducers in Swift
- Swift Combine Framework: Debounce Search Optimization
- Networking Using Combine Framework
- Combine Framework - A Practical Introduction with UIKit
Still to come
- Swift.org blog - https://swift.org/
- Swift.org Language Guide
- Swift.org Language Reference
- Swift by Sundell - https://www.swiftbysundell.com/
- avanderlee - https://www.avanderlee.com/
- Ray Wenderlich - https://www.raywenderlich.com/
- App Coda - https://www.appcoda.com/
- Hacking with Swift - https://www.hackingwithswift.com/
- Programming with Swift - https://programmingwithswift.com
- The.Swift.Dev - https://theswiftdev.com/
- Erica Sadun - https://ericasadun.com/
- Siwft Developer Blog - http://swiftdeveloperblog.com/
- Objc.io - https://www.objc.io/
- Ole Begemann - https://oleb.net/
- NSHipster - https://nshipster.com/
- mecid.github.io
- Flawless iOS
- iOS Dev Weekly - https://iosdevweekly.com
- ios-goodies - http://ios-goodies.com
- iOS Goodies - https://ios-goodies.com/
- Swift Developments - https://andybargh.com/swiftdevelopments/
- Swift Weekly - https://swiftweekly.com/
- This week in Swift - https://swiftnews.curated.co/
- Indie iOS Focus Weekly - https://indieiosfocus.com/
- John Sundell
- Chris
- Matt Gallagher
- Florian Kugler
- Antoine v.d. SwiftLee
- Felix Krause
- Mark Moeykens
- EJ Sneaker
- Majid Jabrayilov
- Try Swift NYC
- Dave DeLong
- Ish
- Erica Sadun
- NatashaTheRobot
- The Swift Podcast
- Swift Unwrapped
- Simon B. Støvring
- Mattt
- Sean Allen
- Ian Partridge
- Stacktrace Podcast
- Jake Marsh
- Ellen Shapiro
- I ❤︎ Swift
- Guilherme Rambo
- Paul Hudson
- James Thomson
- Lisa Dziuba
- Ole Begemann
- Luca Bernardi
- Keith Smiley
- Ben Scheirman
- iOS Dev Weekly
- Kristina Fox
- Swift Summit
- The Swift Chronicle
- Peter Steinberger
- Ryan Nystrom
- Objc.io
- Swift Lang
- NSHipster
- Ray Wenderlich
- Brian Voong