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Test Payments Card for Africa

A list of available test payment cards for various payment gateways. Please feel free to contribute cards for any payment gateways not currently listed here by making a pull request.

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The following test cards are for Flutterwave as defined on their developers site. This include Test banks and some special cases.

OTP : 12345

Card type Card Number CVV Expiry PIN
MasterCard PIN Authentication 5531 8866 5214 2950 564 09/32 3310
MasterCard PIN 2 5438 8980 1456 0229 470 10/31 3310
Master 3D-Secure (VBSECURECODE) 5399 8383 8383 8381 564 10/31 3310
Visa 3D-Secure (VBSECURECODE) 4187 4274 1556 4246 828 09/32 3310
Visa 3D-Secure Authentication 4242 4242 4242 4242 812 01/31 3310
Address Verification(AVS) Card 4556052704172643 899 09/32 3310
Verve Card 5061 4604 1012 0223 210 780 12/31 3310

Special test card case

Case type Card Number CVV Expiry
card Declined (Address Verification) 5143 0105 2233 9965 276 08/32
Card Fraudulent 5590 1317 4329 4314 887 11/32
Card Insufficient Funds 5258 5859 2266 6506 883 09/31
Pre-authorization Test Card 5377 2836 4507 7450 789 09/31
Do Not Honour 5143010522339965 276 08/31
Invalid Transaction 5551658157653822 276 08/31
Restricted Card, Retain Card 5551651630381384 276 08/31
Incorrect PIN 5399834697894723 883 09/31
Verve - Card enrolment 5531882884804517 564 10/32
Card Transaction Error 5258589130149016 887 11/30

Test Banks

Bank Account Number OTP
Access Bank 0690000031 12345
Access Bank 0690000032 same
Access Bank 0690000033 same
Access Bank 0690000034 same
Providus Bank 5900102340 same
Providus Bank 5900002567 same


The following test cards are for Paystack as defined on their developers site.

OTP : 123456

Successful Test Cards

Case type Card Number CVV Expiry PIN
No Validation 4084084084084081 408 10/21 null
PIN validation(reusable) 507850785078507812 081 10/21 1111
PIN + OTP validation(nonreusable) 5060666666666666666 123 10/21 1234
PIN + Phone + OTP validation 507850785078507804 884 10/21 0000
Bank authorization Simulation 4084080000000409 000 10/31 null

Fail Test Cards

Case type Card Number CVV Expiry PIN
Declined 4084080000005408 001 10/21 null
Token Not Generated 507850785078507853 082 10/21 0000
500 error 5060660000000064 606 10/21 null
Timeout error 506066506066506067 060 10/21 null

Paystack Banks Accounts

Bank Account Number Birthday Code
Zenith Bank(transaction) 0000000000 1999-10-14 null
First Bank of Nigeria(transfer) 0000000000 null 011

Paystack Mobile Money

Network Number
MTN 0551234987


The following test cards are for PayU as defined on their developers site.

Card type Card Number 3D Secure Behaviour
MasterCard 5434021016824014 no Positive Authorization
MasterCard 5100052384536891 yes Positive Authorization
MasterCard 5150030090050083 yes Negative Authorization
Visa 4012001037141112 no Positive Authorization
Visa 4012001007002005 yes Positive Authorization
Visa 4000398284360 yes Positive Authorization
Maestro 5000105018126595 no Negative Authorization


Test cards for various Payment Processor in Available in Africa.




