- Define 1 component per file.
The following example defines the app
module and its dependencies, defines a controller, and defines a factory all in the same file.
/* recommended */
// app.module.js
.module('app', ['ngRoute']);
/* recommended */
// ChatDetailCtrl.js
.controller('ChatDetailCtrl', ChatDetailCtrl);
function ChatDetailCtrl() { }
/* recommended */
// someFactory.js
.factory('Chats', chatDetailService);
function chatDetailService() { }
###Separate file structure
/www /js /account /controller /account.controller.js /service /account.service.js /config.js index.html ```
##For browser
$ ionic serve
##For android
$ ionic platform add android
$ ionic build android
$ ionic emulate android
##For ios
$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic build ios
$ ionic emulate ios