A collection of some of the best Sublime Text packages, themes, tutorials, articles and goodies.
- Sublime Text - if you haven't even installed the text editor yet, go and install the text editor
- Unofficial Documentation
- Package Control - an essential package manager for Sublime Text
- HTML5 - HTML5 snippets/syntax
- HTML5 Boilerplate - snippet to generate HTML5 Boilerplate
- CSS3 - CSS3 syntax, autocomplete
- Javascript Snippets
- Haml - syntax and snippets for Haml
- Jade - syntax for Jade
- Jade Snippets - snippets for Jade
- Ruby Slim - syntax for Slim
- HTML Mustache - syntax and snippets for Mustache
- Handlebars - syntax and snippets for Handlebars
- Sass - syntax support for Sass and SCSS
- SCSS - official SCSS bundle
- Sass Snippets - snippets for SASS
- SCSS Snippets Snippets for SCSS
- LESS - syntax support for LESS, autocomplete, and snippets
- Stylus - syntax support for Stylus
- Stylus Snippets - snippets for Stylus
- Coffeescript - syntax and snippets for Coffeescript
- Typescript - syntax for Typescript
- Livescript - syntax for Livescript
- Bootstrap 3 Snippets - snippets for Bootstrap 3
- Foundation Snippets - snippets for Foundation
- Semantic UI - snippets for Semantic UI
- Susy - snippets for Susy
- UIkit Autocomplete - autocomplete for UIkit
- PureCSS - autocomplete for Pure
- jQuery - autocomplete, snippets, and syntax for jQuery
- jQuery Mobile Snippets - snippets for jQuery Mobile
- AngularJS - autocomplete and snippets for AngularJS
- Backbone.js - snippets for Backbone.js
- Ember.js Snippets - snippets for Ember.js
- Underscorejs Snippets - snippets for Underscore.js
- Vuejs Snippets - snippets for Vue.js
- ReactJS - snippets and syntax for ReactJS and JSX
- Sublime-KnockoutJS-Snippets - snippets for KnockoutJS
- HTML-CSS-JS-Prettify - prettifies HTML, CSS and JS
- Pretty JSON - prettifies JSON
- Alignment - A simple key-binding for aligning multi-line and multiple selections
- Grunt - Grunt task runner in Sublime Text
- Gulp Gulp task runner in Sublime Text
- Terminal terminal in Sublime Text
- Bower install bower packages from Sublime Text
- Can I Use - checks CSS property support with Can I Use
- Autoprefixer - an automatic CSS prefixer
- Emmet - an essential toolkit of web developers working with HTML/CSS
- AutoFileName - Autocomplete Filenames in Sublime Text
- DocBlockr - Simplifies writing DocBlock comments
- coming soon
For a more full list of SublimeLinters, check out this.
- SublimeLinter - the most extensive Sublime Text linter out there
- SublimeLinter-jshint - Javascript Linter
- SublimeLinter-html-tidy - HTML Linter
- SublimeLinter-haml - HAML Linter
- SublimeLinter-csslint - CSS Linter
- SublimeLinter-json - JSON Linter
- SublimeLinter-php - PHP Linter
- SublimeLinter-pylint - Python Linter
- SublimeLinter-ruby - Ruby Linter
- SublimeLinter-contrib-java - Java Linter
- SublimeLinter-contrib-clang - C/C++ Linter
- SublimeLinter-lua - Lua Linter
- SublimeLinter-perl - Perl Linter
- SublimeLinter-xmllint - XML Linter
- SublimeLinter-contrib-rustc - Rust Linter
- jslint - Javascript Linter
- CoffeeLint - Coffeescript Linter
- JSONLint - JSON Linter
- Pylint - Python Linter
- Git - awesome git integration into Sublime Text
- GitGutter - see git diffs in gutter
- Github Tools - tools to work with Github in Sublime Text
- SVN - plugin for Subversion
For color scheme development, check out this color scheme editor. Also, if you're looking for a more comprehensive color scheme list, check out this and this.
- Sidebar Enhancements - enhancements for your sidebar (duh)
- Gutter Color - displays a colored icon for all lines which contain a color
- Origami - custom panes
- TodoReview - plugin for reviewing todo (and other) comments within your code
- GhostText - Allows live editing of Chrome/Firefox text area or JS Code editor content with Sublime Text 3 using WebSockets
- coming soon
I'll make sure to answer to all issues issued and all pull requests pulled. Typos, suggestions, broken links, grammar errors, whatever. Go right ahead.
Huge thanks to the Sublime team at Sublime Text for producing such a wonderful editor, and thanks to @wbond for creating Package Control.