A program that allows students to reserve and view available equipment in the university's makerspace -- students can see available times and report issues with equipment, while admins can accept or deny bookings, and set equipment status. Watch a GIF of me interacting with it below!
Interested in learning more? Click here to see a showcase of the entire website.
Want to see some of the technical details and explanation of the code behind the project? Click here!
- Navigate to the directory you want to store the project files in and clone the repository by running:
git clone https://csgit.ucalgary.ca/carter.marcelo/seng513-fall24-group-16.git
- Go to the project root:
cd seng513-fall24-group-16
- Confirm you are on the production branch by running:
git checkout main
- In backend/seed.js, set the value of the variable 'clear' to true if you want to clear and seed backend/database.db every time the backend starts, otherwise leave it as false.
- In frontend/src/axios.ts, find the constant 'axiosInstance' and set the value of 'baseURL' to
. - Open two terminals and navigate to the frontend folder in one and the backend folder in the other.
- In the frontend terminal, run:
npm install npm list
- Confirm the output of npm list matches the following:
+-- @emotion/react@11.13.3 +-- @emotion/styled@11.13.0 +-- @eslint/js@9.15.0 +-- @fontsource/roboto@5.1.0 +-- @mui/base@5.0.0-beta.61 +-- @mui/icons-material@6.1.7 +-- @mui/lab@6.0.0-beta.15 +-- @mui/material@6.1.7 +-- @mui/x-date-pickers@7.22.2 +-- @types/js-cookie@3.0.6 +-- @types/node@22.9.0 +-- @types/react-dom@18.3.1 +-- @types/react@18.3.12 +-- @vitejs/plugin-react@4.3.3 +-- axios@1.7.7 +-- dayjs@1.11.13 +-- eslint-plugin-react-hooks@5.1.0-rc-fb9a90fa48-20240614 +-- eslint-plugin-react-refresh@0.4.14 +-- eslint@9.15.0 +-- globals@15.12.0 +-- js-cookie@3.0.5 +-- react-dom@18.3.1 +-- react-router-dom@6.28.0 +-- react-swipeable@7.0.2 +-- react@18.3.1 +-- sequelize@6.37.5 +-- typescript-eslint@8.15.0 +-- typescript@5.6.3 `-- vite@5.4.11
- In the backend terminal, run:
npm install npm list
- Confirm the output of npm list matches the following:
+-- bcrypt@5.1.1 +-- cookie-parser@1.4.7 +-- cors@2.8.5 +-- dollars-to-cents@1.0.3 +-- dotenv@16.4.5 +-- express@4.21.1 +-- js-cookie@3.0.5 +-- jsonwebtoken@9.0.2 +-- morgan@1.10.0 +-- nodemon@3.1.7 +-- pluralize@8.0.0 +-- sequelize@6.37.4 +-- sqlite@5.1.1 +-- sqlite3@5.1.7 +-- stripe@17.3.1 `-- util@0.12.5
- Run
npm run dev
in both terminals. - Open a browser and go to http://localhost:5173/
- If this link doesn't work, try selecting one of the other links displayed in the frontend terminal.
- The page should look like this:
- Optional: confirm that you can run the project on local development servers as detailed above before attempting to run it in Docker.
- Launch Docker Desktop.
- In frontend/src/axios.ts, find the constant 'axiosInstance' and set the value of 'baseURL' to
. - Open a terminal and navigate to the project root.
- Build the images by running:
docker-compose build
- Run the containers by running:
docker-compose up
- Open a browser and go to http://localhost:8800/.
- The page should look the same as above.