Prebid Server Event Support - server-side analytics #1470
The next revision of the Prebid Events design is at
The driver for this round of updates is the need to have server-side-only tracking of auctions for the web 'channel'. In the previous iteration, the assumption was that Prebid.js analytics adapters would be responsible for auction events and most bidsWon events.
However, there are two use cases where that's not enough:
- Prebid Server host company doesn't have an analytics adapter on the page
- The server-side analytics system is different from the client-side analytics.
The changes to the doc are:
- Added scenarios for Web/Banner/Server-Side-with-PBS-Analytics and Web/Instream/Server-Side-with-PBS-Analytics
- Fleshed out all the flow diagrams with numbered descriptions
- Added the “int” (integration type) parameter to event URLs (related to Integration Type and Channel #1428)
- Refined the Prebid Server Event Algorithm
This issue tracks the review and implementation of the changes to the Prebid Server Event Algorithm
Specifically, here's what changed:
- New account+channel analytics configuration. e.g account 111 gets AMP/App events, but not web events. Account 222 gets events for all 3 channels: web/AMP/App.
- Server-side analytics adapters need access to this new account-level event config so they can determine what to do.
- Clarified the algorithm around when and how to create the 3 different event URLs. Includes how to deal with Programmatic Guaranteed, which is out of scope for PBS-Go.
Ready for Dev