Type of issue
A Proposed and working list of breaking changes to include in Prebid 7 - target release Late May 2022
The list
delete userid targeting module #8226
delete nextroll #8150
Remove Appnexus analytics #8330
delete floc #8225
#7522 Confirmation from the Yahoo team indicates to remove onevideo (aol in next version)
Adapters accepting interstitial flag must accept ortb2 instl param #5917
Remove dmx #8417
change defaults on #8129
delete halo as per #7938
#7651 on specific auctions
Fold trustx into Grid #8321
remove adlive bid adapter
delete sortable adapters #8263
#8437 -- delete appnexus aliases
#8279 bid modules will not be able to use storage manager unless whitelisted by pubs in config
Remove akamai id module
fix bcats to read from ortb2 everywhere #7925
#7853 default usp to iab
#8235 remove stored auction response
deprecate getLegacyFpd #8283
Adapters accepting position must accept it as per conventions defined at #5578
Adapters known to be using http1 bid endpoints in violation of bidder module rules will get warnings in their adapter documentation; user sync endpoints in http1 will not incur the warning at this time.
Drop tcf1 #7781
Finish up referrer changes #5637 #8450
prevent Prebid from loading twice - #8374
#7954 update pbsBidAdapter to use imp.ext.prebid.bidder.BIDDER
Update all documentation related to FPD to follow up #8283 and #7651