- Creating an account with AWS
- Free Tier
- Different ways of interacting with AWS
- Documentation
- Blogs
- Regions and Availability Zones
- What is ELB? (D)
- What is AutoScaling? (D)
- What is Route53? (D)
- Creating a Classic ELB and observe the Round Robin Routing (D)
- Use cases
- Buckets, folders and files (with constraints)
- Storage classes and Lifecycle Management
- Versioning
- Cross Region Replication
- Snow Devices
- Creating buckets and uploading files
- Using different storage classes
- Versioning in S3
- Different AWS Security Services and their use cases
- What is VPC and it's purpose
- Create an IAM User with S3 Read Only Access
- Demo of CloudTrail
- What is CloudWatch?
- What is Lambda?
- Creating an EC2 and see the CPU spike in CloudWatch
- Integrate S3 with Lambda to send an email.
WordPress on AWS
Auto Scaling