Non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) is an area of computer graphics that focuses on enabling a wide variety of expressive styles for digital art. The input to a two dimensional NPR system is typically an image or video. The output is a typically an artistic rendering of that input imagery (for example in a watercolor, painterly or sketched style).In our project we wish to accomplish this by using edge aware filters. Edge aware filters blurs the image without effecting the edges.
Image = imread('taj.jpg');
Out = cartoonize(Image);
figure, imshow(Out);
The additional parameters are mentioned in the code and commented. The code is well documented and self explanatory.
Python3 installed with numpy and openCV modules.
- Run
- specify type of stylization you want.
- Give name of the input file with extension.Make sure that the image is in same directory as the file
- Specify number of light sources with their coordinates.
- an output image with name filename_out.jpg will be created in the folder.
Please enter the number of type of stylization you want:
1)normal stylization
2)black and white
3)line stylization
Enter filename with extension :Buddha.jpg
Enter number of light sources :1
give co-ordinates of light source-1 :10,10,1.2