File created: Wed 7th Sep 2022 23:53 PM GMT
Last updated: Fri 9th Sep 2022 14:42 PM GMT
Just testing out how it's possible to both:
a> 'push' files into GitHub
b> 'fetch' files from GitHub using Atom code editor having been installed on a home based Desktop Computer PC which is running Windows 10 Pro OS/Operating System.
NOTE(1): It's possible to work both inside of Windows Explorer/and, inside of Atom code editor;
and, any changes you make to either the directory/file structure will be reflected inside of Atom, instantly, right away.
NOTE(2): When working on changing folders/files inside of GitHub itself...; then, it's necessary to use Atom 'Fetch/Pull'...; so, that all of the most recent changes made inside of GitHub will be fully 'updated' inside of Atom.