This is a simple Tetris game written in Python using object-oriented programming (OOP).
- pygame: For creating multimedia applications, such as games.
- random: For generating random numbers.
- time: For managing time.
- art: For generating ASCII art.
- colorama: For coloring text in the console.
The game is implemented using the following classes:
- Figure: Represents a falling block.
- Tetris: Represents the Tetris game state.
- Left Arrow: Move left.
- Right Arrow: Move right.
- Down Arrow: Accelerate falling speed.
- Up Arrow/Spacebar: Rotate clockwise.
- Q Key: Quit the game.
- Smooth graphics using Pygame.
- Random generation of tetrominoes.
- Score tracking system.
- Speed increment as the game progresses.
- Keep the board as empty as possible.
- Clear complete lines promptly.
- Don't panic if the board fills up.