A beautiful and simple Command Line Application to get Cryptocurrency Portfolio of a user whose transactions file is provided. Basically, we will pass various commands to get various values of the Portfolio. You can find the commands below in Usage section.
First npm i
to install all dependencies
Then npm link
to link to your PC's global npm packages
crypto-data --help
crypto-data -h
crypto-data --version
crypto-data -v
crypto-data --portfolio <filepath>
crypto-data -p <filepath>
In our case, filepath is ./transactions.csv. It is up to you. You can change filepath.
crypto-data --token <tokenshortform>
crypto-data -t <tokenshortform>
crypto-data --date <dd/mm/yyyy>
crypto-data -d <dd/mm/yyyy>
crypto-data --token <tokenshortform> --date <dd/mm/yyyy>
crypto-data -t <tokenshortform> -d <dd/mm/yyyy>
In this application, I tried to separate every function, so that, we can use them differently.
You can find bin, src folders. I used bin folder to store start up file, crypto-data.js.
In src, utils folder is there to store utils(packages for various purposes)
In src, you can find cli.js where I coded command line logic. This logic finds which command is passed and uses switch to pass the argument(s) to packages to get answer accordingly.
If command does not match, I have tried to handle respective errors. Like, passing the help command, giving error to setup the application, etc.
Also, in src, you can find help.js, where I have defined all the commands for new user. Just need to enter - "crypto-data -h" in command prompt.
I have created api-details package to store api details like common url, key. It is imported in 4 other packages.
I have used 2 different apis. I used short forms of tokens as it is required for fetching api values.
1 is to pass multiple tokens, specifically, "pricemulti" where tokens are separated by ",". This api is used in 2 packages portfolioValue and tokenValue.
2 is to pass date and/or token, specifically, "pricehistorical". This api is used in 2 packages valueAtDate and tokenValueAtDate.
I have tried this code only on 5000 entries. Actually, my system did not support to load this much data.
I wrote a script to write the transactions in portfolio.json which is created on execution of setup package. You just need to enter - "crypto-data -p " in command prompt.
I have set tokens as keys for their respective transactions.
I calculated the balance of each token and stored it in tq (total quantity).
Then pushing the other parameters like t(timestamp in seconds), q(quantity) and s(DEPOSIT/WITHDRAWL, but first letter of each) in txn(transaction) array for each transaction happened.
I used short forms to decrease load.