Backend Deployment:
This is a Full Stack MERN Project With user register, login by using jwt, email notifications, CURD operations With Standard API, etc.
- Email:
- Password: Demo@9090
Deployed on netlify. React, Sass or Scss, React Router Dom
Deployed on render. Node, express, JWT, bcryptjs, mongoose, mongodb
- Create PRD
- Create Wireframe
- Create ERD or DB Design
- Create Backend API'S
- Create Frontend
- Make Connection between Frontend and Backend
- Deployment on frontend on netlify and backend server on render
signup and login with jwt apis
user can store wealth like Assets , Equity , Fixed Income , Alternatives of logged in user.
Users can update or delete above funds at any time
save all expences like rent, food, travel, shopping, etc.
calculate total expence, saving , income for current financial year or a current month.
user should be able to filter result according to financial year or a month.
detailed breakdown of an income and expences of that user user should be able to filter result according to financial year or a month.
in expences user can able to upload any pdf bill, Invoice/bill or any pay slip.
send email to logged in user when he/she update the income assets or a add expence
- App should be work fine in all browsers
- should be secure
- Implement Authentication and Protect Routes in React:
Authentication With JWT Tutorial
Email, password .etc, validation at backend side using express-validator
React Redux Tutorial
- React api call traverse data
- Pradip Bedre