To add announcements to the main page, modify templates/index.html
to add your
new content.
To compile all references and links to test locally, from the root directory run
python -t
This compiles all templates in the templates folder and, preserving directory structure, creates all HTML and resource files in the root directory. Then, to host the compiled site locally, from the root directory run
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
This will host the site on localhost:8000
To compile all references and links for external hosting, from the root directory run
This compiles all templates in the templates folder and, preserving directory structure, creates all HTML and resource files in the root directory.
Then, commit and push the changes up to the GitHub repo. When you're ready to
deploy the changes to the CS106A site, you'll need to pull these changes down
to the repo copy on AFS. To do this, SSH into myth, and navigate to the class
website directory (/afs/ir/class/cs106a/WWW
) and run git pull
to pull down
your new changes. The updates should be immediately deployed to (Note that you'll need permissions to access this course