H3VR mod to add jamming into the game!
Current released version: 0.3.3
As some of you may know, Meatyceiver 2 was an extremely poorly coded mod.
At this point, while I wish to continue it, the codebase is untenable.
So, I have archived this repository and started from scratch. This will be versions 0.4.0 and above.
This is in development; it is not working yet.
If you are looking for a working version, check out the 0.3.x branch on the redux repo.
Download the release version from Thunderstore and drop it in H3VR/BepInEx/plugins.
Meatyceiver 2 currently features 5 different failures in three catagories, and have 3 extra unprogrammed failures.
Ammunition failures are failures that are caused by poor ammunition quality.
- Light Primer Strikes
- (Unfinished) Hangfire
Firearm failures are standard failures that can occur in even properly working firearms, if rarely.
- Failure to Feed
- Failure to Extract
- (Unfinished) Stovepipe
- (Unfinished) Double feed
Broken firearm failures are caused by the firearm being mechanically broken / worn down.
- Hammer Follow
- Slam Fire
Enable Ammunition Failures, as you may assume, enables all types of Ammunition Failures listed above, being
- Light Primer Strikes
- (Unfinished) Hangfire
Same with Ammunition Failures, this enables all Firearm Failures, being
- Failure to Feed
- Failure to Extract
- (Unfinished) Stovepipe
- (Unfinished) Double feed
Same with Ammunition Failures, this enables all Broken Firearm Failures, being
- Hammer Follow
- Slam Fire
- Failure To Lock Slide
This enables extra code to affect the regular percentage chance for guns to jam.
The only one currently implemented is the increased chance for a Failure To Feed with higher capacity magazines.
This displays the RNG number and percentage chance it would've failed after every chance for a gun to jam, which means a regular rifle will display five of these every shot, and displays when it jams. Generally avoid turning this on, it spams your console.
This is a simple multiplier multiplying every single percentage chance of failure by this amount.
Meatyceiver 2 reads the capacity of the magazine inserted into a gun, and for every round capacity above Minimum Mag Count, it increases the chance of an FTF by this much. (Belt feds are exempt from this.)
See above.
All the failure ones are just the percentage chance for it to happen when it can. Meatyceiver 2's random numbers go to 2 decimal places, so differences smaller than 0.01 will not change anything.