- Newman Version (can be found via
newman -v
): 3.9.1 - OS details (type, version, and architecture): Windows 10, 64bits
- Are you using Newman as a library, or via the CLI? CLI
- Did you encounter this recently, or has this bug always been there: today
- Expected behaviour: Do not take off leading zeros from string values.
- Command / script used to run Newman: newman run TestLeadingZeros.postman_collection.json -d TestLeadingZeros.csv --reporters cli,json --reporter-json-export testreport.json
- Sample collection, and auxiliary files (minus the sensitive details):
- Screenshots (if applicable):
The CSV contains a value "008727100". It is enclosed in quotes. NewMan passes "8727100" to the server, which leads to a failure. These values are codes, not numbers.
When I run using collection runner, it leaves the value intact.
I reproduced this using a google search for 000123.
When running using collection runner, it searches for 000123.
When running using newman, it searches for 123
When a value is enclosed in quotes, it should not be interpreted but passed on to the service call as is.
I attached the files, but had to rename everything to txt extension.
testreport newman.txt