345af88 patch level bump, 0.0.2
d0a91ad updated readme
a1dd6cd prepare for initial release
f364c57 test transform metrics
a91619c test post metrics
43aace8 test main
5182213 config options for prom job, instance, and type
cdf7337 only use a single map to construct prom metrics
db87230 support histogram buckets
a58a4ea prometheus job comes from metric point tag "prom_job"
9aaf047 try pushing metrics to a specific job instance
eef68b0 refactored transform
df96da6 fixed summary name trim
47a6b3d use trimmed name for prom map key
212da99 fixed summary _sum and _count lines
8c9d32e put summaries at the bottom
ce2bd99 group metrics under type token line
4c40c12 default metric type to untyped (really need that type tag)
47cf677 only set type once for a metric
145d452 include prometheus type token lines, use a metric tag and default to gauge
743ec83 working metric transformer and basic api client
858f780 working cli options
3f801e5 updated readme handler config example
9a730dc updated readme
8793a15 hello world