Sources of the poppy-station website.
Content is built with Hugo v42.2. Refer to the documentation section to install it locally.
Layout is done using Bootstrap v4.1.
Development dependencies require nodejs and npm.
To install dev dependencies, run npm install
Styles are written in sass. They are then compiled, prefixed, and minified.
To generated the production file after you modified the src/index.scss
file, just npm run styles
If you installed Hugo locally, you can use the cli
tool to generate content:
hugo new articles/
hugo new page/
If not, copy the archetypes/ file to the desired location and rename it. The content organization from Hugo documentation might help.
Content should be written in markdown format, but writing HTML is also allowed by Hugo.
Some shortcodes are provided by Hugo, and few were added for formatting purpose.
shortcode requires src
and title
{{< fig src="" title="Teegi Robot" >}}
shortcode accepts source
Basic form:
{{< blockquote >}}
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
{{</ blockquote >}}
With source footer:
{{< blockquote source="Extract of" >}}
Exercitation aliqua enim enim adipisicing. Nulla eu do cillum laborum velit culpa nisi consequat excepteur. Aliqua adipisicing esse adipisicing adipisicing cillum deserunt qui consequat nulla deserunt do do occaecat aute. Proident consectetur officia dolore in et sint.
{{</ blockquote >}}
requires src
and ratio
{{< embed-yt src="aZxuy9rWrmA" ratio="16:9" >}}
Site will be built and published for every push to this repository.