Pop PHP Framework 2.1.0
Released July 1, 2016
This repository contains the composer.json file to install the full Pop PHP Framework. The core Pop PHP components and the additional 32 components will be installed:
The Pop PHP Framework has been fully tested for and works with PHP 7. However, as of July 1, 2016, due to instability or deprecation of a few PHP extensions, the following components will have some sub-components that are either not available or will not function properly in a PHP 7 environment:
- Due to the unavailability of the rar extension, the Rar class adapter will not function properly in PHP 7.
- Due to the current instability of the apc/apcu/apc_bc extenstions, the APC class adapter will not function properly in PHP 7.
- Due to the unavailability of the memcache extension, the Memcached class adapter will not function properly in PHP 7.
- Due to the unavailability of the geoip extension, the pop-geo component will not fully function in PHP 7.
There are multiple ways you can get Pop PHP Framework into your project.
You can add it to an existing project:
$ composer require popphp/popphp-framework
You can add it your project's composer.json
"require": {
"popphp/popphp-framework": "2.1.*"
You can create a new project and install it into that project:
$ composer create-project popphp/popphp-framework project-folder
Or, you can clone this repository and install it directly:
$ composer install
There is an IRC channel for Pop PHP over at irc://freenode/popphp.