This is my collection of various breakout boards that do one or more of the following:
- expose a removable MCU board's pins for headers or soldering
- make edge-pinned boards like Adafruit's ItsyBitsy adaptable to a protoboard
- add an I2C Qwiic/STEMMA QT port
- expose debug pins SWDIO and SWCLK (SAMD21/M0) and the option for a Segger J-Link connector.
Board directories typically contain the following:
- Eagle PCB .brd (board) and .sch (schematic) files.
- all Gerber files for manufacturing in a zip file
- The schematic rendered as png.
- Renderings of the board, top and bottom, and maybe a photo of a populated board.
- exposes unique pins in (2) 0.3" 16-pin headers so that they can be plugged into a protoboard
- Qwiic version adds a SMD pad for a 4-cond JST SH Qwiic/STEMMA QT connector and a cut/solder pad for selecting 3 or 5V Qwiic Vcc.
- The IB Qwiic board have been fabricated so I can soon mark it as Validated.
- To Do:
- Fabricated and tested to some degree for different projects.
- Remixed from a long form factor to a wide one.
- Fabricated and tested.
- This board provides access to all Qt Py and J-Link signals, including the SWDebug pads underneath the Qt Py board.
- Fab pending.
Cirque Trackpoint FFC-12 to QT Py Adapter Board
The Cirque Trackpoint (e.g., model TM035035) is a circular capacitive touch sensor module available in different diameters supporting SPI and I2C MCU interfacing. In this instance, the board has solder pads for an Adafruit QT Py SAMD21 M0+ (#4600).