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Modern network boot server.


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bofied is a network boot server. It provides everything you need to PXE boot a node, from a (proxy)DHCP server for PXE service to a TFTP and HTTP server to serve boot files.

It enables you to:

  • Boot nodes from the network: Using (proxy)DHCP for PXE service, it can configure nodes which are set to network boot
  • Serve boot files: The integrated TFTP and HTTP servers can provide the iPXE network bootloader, Linux distros or other boot files
  • Easily manage and script the network boot config: By using the browser or WebDAV, boot files can be managed and the scriptable configuration can be edited
  • Monitor network boot: By monitoring it's (proxy)DHCP and TFTP traffic, bofied can give an insight to the network boot process using a browser or the gRPC API
  • Remotely provision nodes: Because bofied is based on open web technologies and supports OpenID Connect authentication, it can be securely exposed to the public internet and be used to manage network boot in a offsite location



You can get the OCI image like so:

$ podman pull


Static binaries are available on GitHub releases.

On Linux, you can install them like so:

$ curl -L -o /tmp/bofied-backend "$(uname -m)"
$ sudo install /tmp/bofied-backend /usr/local/bin
$ sudo setcap cap_net_admin+ep /usr/local/bin/bofied-backend # This allows rootless execution

On macOS, you can use the following:

$ curl -L -o /tmp/bofied-backend "$(uname -m)"
$ sudo install /tmp/bofied-backend /usr/local/bin

On Windows, the following should work (using PowerShell as administrator):

PS> Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile \Windows\System32\bofied-backend.exe

You can find binaries for more operating systems and architectures on GitHub releases.


The frontend is publicly accessible and can be opened in any browser. It's a PWA, meaning it will continue to work offline after your first visit:

PWA badge

To self-host, see contributing. A .tar.gz archive of the frontend, ready for deployment on any static web server, is available on GitHub releases.


TL;DR: Setup OIDC authentication, configure the backend, start the backend, open up a port on the firewall, and connect using the frontend

1. Setting up Authentication

bofied uses OpenID Connect for authentication, which means you can use almost any authentication provider, both self-hosted and as a service, that you want to. We've created a short tutorial video which shows how to set up Auth0 for this purpose, but feel free to use something like Ory if you prefer a self-hosted solution:

Setting up OpenID Connect for Internal Apps YouTube Video

2. Verifying Port Availability

First, verify that ports 67/udp, 4011/udp, 69/udp, 15256/tcp and 15257/tcp aren't in use by another app:

$ ss -tlnp | grep -E -- ':(15256|15257)'
$ ss -ulnp | grep -E -- ':(67|4011|69)'

Neither of these two commands should return anything; if they do, kill the process that listens on the port.

3. Getting the Advertised IP

bofied integrates a (proxy)DHCP server, which advertises the IP address of the integrated TFTP server. To do so, you'll have to find out the IP of the node which is running bofied; you can find it with ip a:

$ ip -4 a
# ...
2: enp0s13f0u1u3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute enp0s13f0u1u3
       valid_lft 862274sec preferred_lft 862274sec
# ...

In the following, we'll assume that is the IP address of this node.

4. Starting the Backend

Next up is starting the backend. It is available both in containerized and static binary form; see the Reference for more configuration parameters:

Expand containerized instructions

Run the following:

$ sudo podman run \
    --name bofied-backend \
    -d \
    --restart always \
    --net host \
    --cap-add NET_BIND_SERVICE \
    -v ${HOME}/.local/share/bofied:/root/.local/share/bofied:z \
    -e BOFIED_BACKEND_OIDCCLIENTID=myoidcclientid \
$ sudo podman generate systemd --new bofied-backend | sudo tee /lib/systemd/system/bofied-backend.service

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

$ sudo systemctl enable --now bofied-backend

The logs are available like so:

$ journalctl -u bofied-backend
Expand native instructions

First, set up a config file at ~/.local/share/bofied/etc/bofied/bofied-backend-config.yaml; see the Reference for more configuration parameters:

$ sudo su
# mkdir -p ~/.local/share/bofied/etc/bofied/
# cat <<EOT >~/.local/share/bofied/etc/bofied/bofied-backend-config.yaml
oidcClientID: myoidcclientid

Now, create a systemd service for it:

$ sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/bofied-backend.service<<'EOT'
Description=bofied Backend

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/bofied-backend -c \${HOME}/.local/share/bofied/etc/bofied/bofied-backend-config.yaml


Finally, reload systemd and enable the service:

$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable --now bofied-backend

You can get the logs like so:

$ journalctl -u bofied-backend

5. Setting up the Firewall

You might also have to open up the ports on your firewall:

$ for port in 67/udp 4011/udp 69/udp 15256/tcp 15257/tcp; do sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=${port}; done

6. Connecting the Frontend

Now that the backend is running, head over to

Alternatively, as described in Frontend, you can also choose to self-host. Once you're on the page, you should be presented with the following setup page:

Setup page

You'll have to enter your own information here; the Backend URL is the URL on which the backend (http://localhost:15256/ by default) runs, the OIDC Issuer, Client ID and Redirect URL are the same values that you've set the backend up with above.

Finally, click on Login, and if everything worked out fine you should be presented with the initial launch screen:

Initial page

🚀 That's it! We hope you enjoy using bofied.


Click on an image to see a larger version.

Screenshot of syntax validation Screenshot of monitoring Screenshot 2 of file operations Screenshot 3 of file operations Screenshot of sharing Screenshot of the text editor Screenshot of about modal


Command Line Arguments

$ bofied-backend --help
bofied is a network boot server. It provides everything you need to PXE boot a node, from a (proxy)DHCP server for PXE service to a TFTP and HTTP server to serve boot files.

For more information, please visit

  bofied-backend [flags]

      --advertisedIP string                IP to advertise for DHCP clients (default "")
  -c, --configFile string                  Config file to use
      --dhcpListenAddress string           Listen address for DHCP server (default ":67")
      --extendedHTTPListenAddress string   Listen address for WebDAV, HTTP and gRPC-Web server (default ":15256")
      --grpcListenAddress string           Listen address for gRPC server (default ":15257")
  -h, --help                               help for bofied-backend
  -t, --oidcClientID string                OIDC client ID (default "myoidcclientid")
  -i, --oidcIssuer string                  OIDC issuer (default "")
      --proxyDHCPListenAddress string      Listen address for proxyDHCP server (default ":4011")
  -p, --pureConfig Configuration           Prevent usage of stdlib in configuration file, even if enabled in Configuration function
  -s, --skipStarterDownload                Don't initialize by downloading the starter on the first run
      --starterURL string                  Download URL to a starter .tar.gz archive; the default chainloads (default "")
      --tftpListenAddress string           Listen address for TFTP server (default ":69")
  -d, --workingDir string                  Working directory (default "/home/pojntfx/.local/share/bofied/var/lib/bofied")

Environment Variables

All command line arguments described above can also be set using environment variables; for example, to set --advertisedIP to with an environment variable, use BOFIED_BACKEND_ADVERTISEDIP=

Configuration File

Just like with the environment variables, bofied can also be configured using a configuration file; see examples/bofied-backend-config.yaml for an example configuration file.

Config Script

The config script is separate from the config file and is used to dynamically decide which file to send to which node based on it's IP address, MAC address and processor architecture. It can be set & validated using either the frontend or WebDAV. The default config script, which is fetched from pojntfx/ipxe-binaries, returns a matching executable based on the architecture:

package config

func Filename(
	ip string,
	macAddress string,
	arch string,
	archID int,
) string {
	switch arch {
	case "x86 BIOS":
		return "ipxe-i386.kpxe"
	case "x86 UEFI":
		return "ipxe-i386.efi"
	case "x64 UEFI":
		return "ipxe-x86_64.efi"
	case "ARM 32-bit UEFI":
		return "ipxe-arm32.efi"
	case "ARM 64-bit UEFI":
		return "ipxe-arm64.efi"
		return "ipxe-i386.kpxe"

func Configure() map[string]string {
	return map[string]string{
		"useStdlib": "false",

The script is just a small Go program which exports two functions: Filename and Configure. Configure is called to configure the interpreter; for example, if you want to use the standard library, i.e. to log information with log.Println or to make a HTTP request with http.Get, you can set "useStdlib": "true",. Filename is called with the IP address, MAC address and architecture (as a string and as an ID), and should return the name of the file to send to the booting node. The following architecture values are available (see IANA Processor Architecture Types):

Expand available architecture values
archID Parameter arch Parameter
0x00 x86 BIOS
0x02 Itanium
0x04 Arc x86 (DEPRECATED)
0x05 Intel Lean Client (DEPRECATED)
0x06 x86 UEFI
0x07 x64 UEFI
0x08 EFI Xscale (DEPRECATED)
0x09 EBC
0x0a ARM 32-bit UEFI
0x0b ARM 64-bit UEFI
0x0c PowerPC Open Firmware
0x0d PowerPC ePAPR
0x0e POWER OPAL v3
0x0f x86 uefi boot from http
0x10 x64 uefi boot from http
0x11 ebc boot from http
0x12 arm uefi 32 boot from http
0x13 arm uefi 64 boot from http
0x14 pc/at bios boot from http
0x15 arm 32 uboot
0x16 arm 64 uboot
0x17 arm uboot 32 boot from http
0x18 arm uboot 64 boot from http
0x19 RISC-V 32-bit UEFI
0x1a RISC-V 32-bit UEFI boot from http
0x1b RISC-V 64-bit UEFI
0x1c RISC-V 64-bit UEFI boot from http
0x1d RISC-V 128-bit UEFI
0x1e RISC-V 128-bit UEFI boot from http
0x1f s390 Basic
0x20 s390 Extended
0x21 MIPS 32-bit UEFI
0x22 MIPS 64-bit UEFI
0x23 Sunway 32-bit UEFI
0x24 Sunway 64-bit UEFI
0x25 LoongArch 32-bit UEFI
0x26 LoongArch 32-bit UEFI boot from http
0x27 LoongArch 64-bit UEFI
0x28 LoongArch 64-bit UEFI boot from http
0x29 arm rpiboot
0x2a-0xff Unassigned

When bofied is first started, it automatically downloads pojntfx/ipxe-binaries to the boot file directory, so without configuring anything you can already network boot many Linux distros and other operating systems thanks to This behavior can of course also be disabled, in which case only a minimal config file will be created; see Reference.


In addition to using the frontend to manage boot files, you can also mount them using WebDAV. You can the required credentials by using the Mount directory button in the frontend:

Mount directory modal

Using a file manager like Files, you can now mount the folder:

GNOME Files WebDAV mounting

When transfering large files, using WebDAV directly is the recommended method.

GNOME Files WebDAV listing


bofied exposes a streaming gRPC and gRPC-Web API for monitoring network boot, which is also in use internally in the frontend. You can find the relevant .proto files in api/proto/v1; send the OpenID Connect token with the X-Bofied-Authorization metadata key.



To contribute, please use the GitHub flow and follow our Code of Conduct.

To build and start a development version of bofied locally, run the following:

$ git clone
$ cd bofied
$ make depend

The backend should now be started and the frontend be available on http://localhost:15225/.

Have any questions or need help? Chat with us on Matrix!

Related Projects

If you want to have persistent inventory of services and nodes on your network or turn the nodes in it on remotely, check out liwasc!


  • If you run bofied over Wifi or advertise your Wifi adapter's IP, old PXE clients might hang at PXE errors such as TFTP cannot read from connection or TFTP read timeout due to very slow transfer speeds or other problems with complex network topologies. To fix this, disconnect other network adapters - i.e. if you're running bofied on a laptop with both a Wifi and an ethernet card and you advertise the Wifi card's IP, disconnect the ethernet cable. bofied's log and Wireshark might also give you more insights in such situations. For the best reliablity, run bofied on a wired connection.


bofied (c) 2024 Felicitas Pojtinger and contributors

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later