When running the CLI 6.3 and above on an Azure Function, the following vague exceptions are thrown. This is probably caused by the Spinner trying to pipe output to the console, while the Azure Function may not be allowing this type of writing output.
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.954Z] Result: ERROR: - Running command...
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.956Z] Exception :
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.957Z] Type : System.Management.Automation.RemoteException
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.958Z] ErrorRecord :
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.959Z] Exception :
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.960Z] Type : System.Management.Automation.ParentContainsErrorRecordException
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.960Z] Message : - Running command...
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.961Z] HResult : -2146233087
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.962Z] CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.963Z] FullyQualifiedErrorId : RuntimeException
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.965Z] Message : - Running command...
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.966Z] HResult : -2146233087
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.967Z] TargetObject : - Running command...
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.968Z] CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (- Running command...:String) [], RemoteException
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.969Z] FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.970Z] InvocationInfo :
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.971Z] MyCommand : node.exe
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.972Z] ScriptLineNumber : 24
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.974Z] OffsetInLine : 5
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.975Z] HistoryId : -1
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.976Z] ScriptName : C:\Users\MartinLingstuyl\AppData\Roaming\npm\m365.ps1
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.977Z] Line : & "node$exe" "$basedir/node_modules/@pnp/cli-microsoft365/dist/index.js" $args
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.978Z] PositionMessage : At C:\Users\MartinLingstuyl\AppData\Roaming\npm\m365.ps1:24 char:5
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.981Z] + & "node$exe" "$basedir/node_modules/@pnp/cli-microsoft365/dist/i .
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.983Z] + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[2023-03-29T11:56:41.984Z] PSScriptRoot : C:\Users\MartinLingstuyl\AppData\Roaming\npm
[2023-03-29T11:56:42.065Z] PSCommandPath : C:\Users\MartinLingstuyl\AppData\Roaming\npm\m365.ps1
[2023-03-29T11:56:42.067Z] InvocationName : &
[2023-03-29T11:56:42.069Z] CommandOrigin : Internal
[2023-03-29T11:56:42.084Z] ScriptStackTrace : at <ScriptBlock>, C:\Users\MartinLingstuyl\AppData\Roaming\npm\m365.ps1: line 24
Steps to reproduce
Create a new VS Code project with PowerShell, use a CLI command and press F5
CLI for Microsoft 365 version
6.4 (beta)
nodejs version
Operating system (environment)
Windows, Azure Function
Additional Info
If we would be able to hide the spinner with a config key, this may be avoided. Also, we should add this config key to the settings that will be added when running the new m365 setup command that is being created in #4216.
We agreed on adding a config key showSpinner
with the default value true
. If it's false
the spinner should not be rendered.