The csv
output mode is currently restricted to return the properties that are also returned in text
For example, the following will force csv
output mode to return just three columns.
public defaultProperties(): string[] | undefined {
return ['id', 'displayName', 'isInUse'];
The problem with this is that the defaultProperties
have been limited on purpose because text
mode is ugly when too many properties are side by side. CSV however is not limited by the breadth of the screen as these files are usually opened with a tool like excel. Also, you'd typically want more information than when compiling a csv.
What if we enhanced the csv output mode to return EVERY property from objects.
This would be problematic with nested objects, so those could be excluded automatically.
Another route would be to add an extra option: --csv-columns
that allows people to write down a comma-separated list of columns they want to export to the csv. But maybe that's a bit too much, people can always use the JSON output mode and shell commands to create their own CSV file.
❗ Conclusion
This Issue is resolved when the CSV output mode includes ALL properties of the returned object.
Nested objects should be excluded by default, UNLESS when the --query
JMESPath option is used to force return a selection of properties.
So we'll NOT add extra global options to influence the csv output.
For the MD output mode, I made a separate issue (#4150) , it might be that the change fixes it for both output modes. So here's a note to check that on review and if necessary close the other issue.