When frequently calling ref.current.setStyle on container, there's some unneccessary code executed. If we do the same but by passing property as signal and updating this signal, code works much faster.
I found that this line causes this problem: computed body runs, handlers object is created, and this effect runs, even if handlers weren't changed.
Moving handlers object creation fixes the problem:
export function computedHandlers(
style: Signal<Properties | undefined>,
properties: Signal<Properties | undefined>,
defaultProperties: Signal<AllOptionalProperties | undefined>,
hoveredSignal: Signal<Array<number>>,
activeSignal: Signal<Array<number>>,
dynamicHandlers?: Signal<EventHandlers | undefined>,
defaultCursor?: string,
) {
const handlers: EventHandlers = {}
return computed(() => {
addHandlers(handlers, dynamicHandlers?.value)
addHoverHandlers(handlers, style.value, properties.value, defaultProperties.value, hoveredSignal, defaultCursor)
addActiveHandlers(handlers, style.value, properties.value, defaultProperties.value, activeSignal)
return handlers
But I don't know if this solution is OK.
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