I guess it could be related to #117.
When I remount some containers, I sometimes get an error: Uncaught RangeError: offset is out of bounds.
It happens on this line.
I logged some variables: index is -1, bucket.offset is -1, indexInBucket is 0.
I can't reproduce it outside my app yet, but if you can't find the issue I'll try to build repro again.
Uikit version is latest for now: 0.8.1
Also I'll attach whole error with stacktrace:
helpers.ts:122 Uncaught RangeError: offset is out of bounds
at Float32Array.set (<anonymous>)
at InstancedBufferAttribute.set (three.module.js:9961:14)
at instanced-panel-group.js:95:27
at updateSortedBucketsAllocation (sorted-buckets.js:151:13)
at InstancedPanelGroup.update (instanced-panel-group.js:198:13)
at InstancedPanelGroup.onFrame (instanced-panel-group.js:174:14)
at instanced-panel-group.js:38:66
at PanelGroupManager.traverse (instanced-panel-group.js:46:17)
at onFrame (instanced-panel-group.js:38:40)
at Object.current (root.js:44:13)
at render$1 (index-6662eaf2.esm.js:1511:22)
at loop (index-6662eaf2.esm.js:1538:19)
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