A wiki of Guides, Scripts, Tutorials related to devops
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is a "terminal multiplexer", it enables a number of terminals (or windows) to be accessed and controlled from a single terminal. It can be installed viasudo apt-get install tmux
oryum install tmux
A Quick and Easy Guide to Tmux
Tmux Shortcuts and Cheat Sheet
Real time file syncing daemon with inotify tools inotify tools example
Bash Scripting Tutorials for Beginners
Bash Special Characters explained
Python 3 String Encoding and Formatting
Python Local and Global Scopes
Building system monitoring apps in Python with Flask
Building a Database driven RESTFUL API in Python 3 with Flask
Building Database driven apps with MySQL or PostgreSQL using Python and SQLAlchemy ORM
Token based Authentication with Pyjwt
Script to automatically Scaffold a database driven CRUD app in python
Automating web testing with Selenium
Understanding Threading and the Global Interpreter Lock
Packaging and Distributing Python Projects
Text Processing examples with Awk
Beej's Guide to Network Programming
JS Concepts ( Closures, Falsy, Functions, Immutable, Loops, Scope, Ternary, Truthy, Arrays)
Making API calls with ngResource
Using UI-Router for Client side routing
Token Based Authentication with Satellizer
21 Javascript Answers on Quora Every Developer Must Read
Cross Platform Desktop apps with Electron
End to End Testing with Protractor
Linux Server Visualization using Websockets and Google style Gauges
Automating Server Configs with Puppet
Automating Server Configs with the SaltStack
Using Foreman, an Opensource Frontend for Puppet
Using StackStorm, an Opensource platform for integration and automation across services and tools.
Configure, build, repeat. – using the 3bot platform. - Der maschinelle Kollege - an article about using 3bot in German.
Installing a VPN server on Linux
Installing Ruby on Rails on Linux
Troubleshooting Linux Server Memory Usage with PS_MEM
Troubleshooting Network issues with Tcpdump
How Linux CPU usage is Calculated
Debugging Programs on Linux with Strace
Continously Monitoring Processes on Linux with the Watch command
Real time Backup Script written in bash
MySQL incremental Backup with Percona
Fail2ban - Block ip scanning on postfix
Configuring a Firewall for linux with CSF and LFD
Hardening Debian for the Desktop Using Grsecurity
Monitoring Linux Servers with Monit
[Travis-CI Tutorial] (https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/python)
Top Ten Tenets (Principles) of a System Administrator
The Twelve-Factor Software-As-A-Service App building methodology
English Docker Guides and Tutorials
Turtles on the wire: understanding how the OS uses the modern NIC