JavaScript-Scope-Context-Coloring Public
Forked from daniellmb/JavaScript-Scope-Context-ColoringAn experiment in switching between syntax highlighting and scope colorizing built on JSLint and CodeMirror.
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 6, 2013 -
CollaboRoutePlanner Public
Forked from filipw/CollaboRoutePlannerDemo of a collaborative route planner - SignalR, Knockout, Google Maps
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 4, 2013 -
kudu Public
Forked from projectkudu/kuduKudu is the engine behind git deployments in Azure Web Sites. It can also run outside of Azure.
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 26, 2013 -
casperjs Public
Forked from casperjs/casperjsNavigation scripting & testing utility for PhantomJS
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 24, 2013 -
async Public
Forked from caolan/asyncAsync utilities for node and the browser
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 15, 2013 -
SignalWire Public
SignalWire runs on magical unicorns to wire up your server and client
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 20, 2013 -
WebApiContrib.Formatting.CollectionJson Public
Forked from WebApiContrib/CollectionJson.NetLibrary for building APIs that support the collection+json media type
C# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 17, 2013 -
discourse Public
Forked from discourse/discourseDiscourse - A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
JavaScript GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedFeb 6, 2013 -
WorldDomination.Web.Authentication Public
Forked from SimpleAuthentication/SimpleAuthenticationSome simple ASP.NET MVC Web Authentication titty-sparkles.
C# UpdatedJan 21, 2013 -
HybridApiActionSelector Public
Forked from filipw/HybridApiActionSelectorHTTP verb & action name hybrid dispatcher for Web API
C# UpdatedJan 17, 2013 -
jsPDF Public
Forked from parallax/jsPDFGenerating PDF files purely in Javascript
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 15, 2013 -
GenericRepository Public
Forked from tugberkugurlu/GenericRepositoryThis little project contains a Generic Repository implementation for several data access platforms such as Entity Framework
C# Microsoft Public License UpdatedJan 10, 2013 -
Fabrik.Common Public
Forked from benfoster/Fabrik.CommonUseful stuff from fabrik
C# MIT License UpdatedJan 9, 2013 -
msbuildbook.com Public
Forked from msbuild-book/msbuildbook.commsbuildbook.com
PowerShell UpdatedDec 31, 2012 -
public-broadcasting Public
Forked from kevin-montrose/public-broadcastingSelf describing wrapper around protobuf-net.
C# Microsoft Public License UpdatedDec 26, 2012 -
Akavache Public
Forked from reactiveui/AkavacheAn asynchronous, persistent key-value store
C# MIT License UpdatedDec 26, 2012 -
news-reader-app Public
Forked from googlearchive/news-reader-appnews-reader-app
JavaScript UpdatedDec 10, 2012 -
AdvancedFormatProvider Public
Forked from plblum/AdvancedFormatProviderIFormatProvider for .net's String.Format to improve formatting integer, currency, and percent values
C# UpdatedDec 10, 2012 -
alertify.js Public
Forked from fabien-d/alertify.jsJavaScript Alert/Notification System
JavaScript UpdatedDec 2, 2012 -
GhostStory Public
Forked from thingsinjars/HardyUse SpookyJS to run automated cucumber-style tests on CSS
singlepageappbook Public
Forked from mixu/singlepageappbookContent and site generator for Single page apps in depth (my book on single page applications)
JavaScript UpdatedNov 21, 2012 -
EF5-for-Real-Web-Applications Public
Forked from adamtuliper/EF5-for-Real-Web-ApplicationsEntity Framework Architectural Samples for use in "Real" Web Applications - This requires ASP.NET 4.5, MVC3, and SQL Express 2008 R2
JavaScript UpdatedNov 14, 2012 -
InspectR Public
Forked from remcoros/InspectRInspectR, Inspect remote http requests. Based on the idea RequestB.in. www.inspectb.in is currently running the develop branch.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 11, 2012 -
Jace Public
Forked from pieterderycke/JaceJace.NET is a calculation engine for the .NET platform.
C# MIT License UpdatedNov 9, 2012 -
Fireworks Public
Play virtual fireworks with your friends together over Internet using SignalR, HTML 5, and Javascript.
hpdf.js Public
Forked from manuels/hpdf.jsCreate PDFs in your browser or nodejs (javascript port of libharu)
JavaScript zlib License UpdatedOct 18, 2012 -
ravendb Public
Forked from ravendb/ravendbA linq enabled document database for .NET