This Android SDK is a library that provides classes to interact with the Plex Manufacturing Cloud (PMC) through the Http Data Source API. These http data source calls allow access to the thousands of PMC data sources.
Runs on Android API 19 (Version 4.4) or above.
A set of PMC web service credentials are required. Knowledge of PMC data sources is helpful.
Below are some options to install the SDK:
Add as a library to an Android project.
You can build the project as a jar file and include it in your project.
You can fork the project and include it in your project.
Note you need to include the following line in AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
Contributions are welcome!
All submissions are through pull requests.
As much as possible, coding follows the Google Java Style Guide.
Lead Developer - Barrie Vince @barrievince